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12 Mar 2009, 5:05 am
Yesterday, the CCA issued three published opinions in the following cases:PD-0076-08, Antonio Schmidt v. [read post]
20 Mar 2009, 5:04 am
And après Schmidt I, we know that you can threaten injury by causing it. [read post]
20 Nov 2014, 8:45 am
Katharina Isabel Schmidt (Yale Law School) offers a comparative look at US and German law journals, blogs, and their uses in the transmission of legal ideas here in a post at the Völkerrechtsblog (English translation: Public International Law Blog). [read post]
17 Sep 2023, 12:56 pm by Jeff Gamso
  As Harrington explains,Mishaps leading to mob violence and lynch justice jeopardized the core message of religious redemption and state authority. [read post]
28 Apr 2014, 4:38 am by Amy Howe
California and United States v. [read post]
8 Aug 2014, 2:31 pm by Kent Scheidegger
Supreme Court, including last term's unanimous Kansas v. [read post]
2 Oct 2009, 9:47 am
City of Bella Villa, 510 F.3d 1015 (8th Cir. 2009); Schmidt v. [read post]