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14 May 2023, 9:00 pm by Neil H. Buchanan and Michael C. Dorf
(That essay also explains the math that we used to derive the 40,100 percent interest rate stated above.)Our overall bottom line does not change, however, because the fundamental objection to all of the gimmicks has less to do with the exact interaction of the words of the key statutes than it does with a fundamental principle of statutory interpretation. [read post]
25 Apr 2023, 12:01 pm by Dennis Crouch
As Profs Levine and Feldman explained, AI has different incentives than human inventors and lacks the fundamental humanity that our inventorship laws respect. [read post]
6 Apr 2023, 10:51 am by bndmorris
Hoeflich and Stephen Sheppard, Lucy and the Judge:  Wood v. [read post]
18 Mar 2023, 8:03 am by Guest Author
At the oral arguments in two currently pending Supreme Court cases—United States v. [read post]
7 Mar 2023, 3:45 am by jonathanturley
” The lawsuit was tossed after SPLC successfully argued that the ministry had to satisfy the higher standard for defamation under New York Times v. [read post]
6 Mar 2023, 6:51 pm by Haley Proctor
  The Court also found reasoned decision-making in Levine/Schwab Partnership v. [read post]
25 Feb 2023, 6:50 pm by admin
The school lost its accreditation in 1946, and closed.[19] After receiving this degree, Selikoff continued his efforts to return to Scotland, to complete his “triple qualification” for medical licensure in Scotland, which would allow him to sit for the licensing examination in one of the United States. 1943 – 1944. [read post]
22 Feb 2023, 2:59 pm by Levin Papantonio
Levin Papantonio Rafferty (LPR) attorneys fighting to hold social media companies accountable for recommending harmful content or supporting acts of international terrorism by hosting terrorist content filed amici curiae (friends of the court) briefs with the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). [read post]
1 Feb 2023, 9:01 pm by renholding
Before 1929, all securities markets in the United States were private and thus, dark. [read post]