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8 Jan 2019, 2:38 pm
Para tanto, em 21/11/2018, foi publicado o Decreto nº 9.571, que estabelece as Diretrizes Nacionais sobre Empresas e Direitos Humanos para médias e grandes empresas, incluídas as empresas multinacionais com atividades no país [2]. [read post]
9 Apr 2024, 10:32 am
A fotografia perdia sua estabilidade como objeto, e historiadores como o britânico John Tagg sustentavam que “Não existe isto de a fotografia como tal, uma mídia comum. [read post]
28 Apr 2015, 7:03 pm
Thus anticipating the political philosophy of Hobbes, Machiavelli states that the moral and justice does not pre-exist to the state, but they are result of state. [read post]
19 Jun 2023, 5:26 am
It contributes to the creation and promotion of states’ national identity[20]. [read post]
26 Jan 2015, 1:12 pm
Referring to counter-terrorism cases and relevant public protocols in the UK, his presentation demonstrated the complexity of state secrets, the supervision of security intelligence agencies, and the tension between human rights and national security. [read post]
3 Aug 2023, 4:49 am
Nor do we want to add to the lively discussion on the choice-of-law- aspects regarding civil liability (see, amongst others, van Calster, Ho-Dac, Dias and, before the Proposal, Rühl). [read post]
1 Nov 2013, 7:11 am
Reply Brief Filed in United States v. [read post]
9 Nov 2024, 8:29 am
Wynn v. [read post]
25 Jul 2023, 12:15 pm
La note conceptuelle de l'événement de cette année et de plus amples informations sont disponibles sur le site web du Forum.Tous les acteurs concernés de toutes les régions sont invités à s’inscrire.INSCRIPTIONS OUVERTESParticipez au Forum pour partager des expériences et vous informer sur les dernières initiatives visant à promouvoir une conduite responsable des entreprises conformément… [read post]
6 Oct 2013, 2:00 pm
” The NSC also made similar requests of the ODNI and DIA. 2010 Requests Requests to the CIA, State, and the NSA for “training handbooks, manuals guidelines, worksheets, and similar documents provided to . . . [read post]
28 Oct 2013, 8:12 pm
Com o fim da Segunda Grande Guerra, expande-se o Estado de Bem-Estar Social na Europa e owelfare state nos EUA, que tinham por objetivo fundamental, dentre outros na área econômica, a diminuição da desigualdade social e da precária condição de vida dos pobres por meio de programas assistencialistas executados pelos agentes da mão esquerda do Estado[1]. [read post]
28 Oct 2013, 8:12 pm
Com o fim da Segunda Grande Guerra, expande-se o Estado de Bem-Estar Social na Europa e owelfare state nos EUA, que tinham por objetivo fundamental, dentre outros na área econômica, a diminuição da desigualdade social e da precária condição de vida dos pobres por meio de programas assistencialistas executados pelos agentes da mão esquerda do Estado[1]. [read post]
17 Mar 2018, 1:04 pm
It is organized by the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de derecho y Consejería Presidencial para los Derechos Humanos and will take place martes (Tuesday) 20 y miércoles (Wednesday) 21 de marzo (March) 2018 at the Pontifical University in Bogotá Columbia (Building Jorge Hoyos Vásquez, SJ AUDITORIUM ALFONSO QUINTANA, SJ Floor 3, Carrera 7 # 40b 36 (Tuesday) and (Building No. 95, Manuel Briceño Jáuregui SJ, SJ AUDITORIUM VASQUEZ JAIME… [read post]
10 May 2016, 10:21 am
The Constitution of 1988 took the morality issue so seriously that, according to article 85(V), the president of the Republic may be criminally charged and lose his/her mandate in case of acts against administrative probity. [read post]
28 Nov 2023, 4:58 am
Frank Thorp V and Megan Lebowitz report for NBC News. [read post]
28 Jun 2024, 5:59 pm
Their comments are premised on the presumption that AHIs are caused by a malign state based capability being deliberately applied against American human targets in various overseas and domestic locations. [read post]
15 Jan 2023, 6:33 pm
But that provides a weapon to the great enemy of the Cuban state--the Americans. [read post]
1 Jan 2019, 3:12 pm
In most states, the priestly role has been transformed. [read post]
11 Feb 2014, 11:50 am
” Katitza Rodriguez, International Rights Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation, United States: "La vigilancia puede y amenaza los derechos humanos. [read post]
13 Sep 2019, 1:19 pm
EFF’s annual Pioneer Awards ceremony celebrates individuals and groups who have made outstanding contributions to freedom and innovation on the electronic frontier. [read post]