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23 May 2022, 9:05 pm by Jonathan Siegel
Using these methods, ACUS staff identified over 650 judicial review provisions. [read post]
27 Nov 2018, 5:00 am by John Jascob
Staff has also stepped up its program for risk-based SD exams tailored to the specific regulatory concerns of each SD by enhancing its SD risk profiling system. [read post]
27 Oct 2022, 9:05 pm by Bryn Hines
The post Week in Review first appeared on The Regulatory Review. [read post]
24 Nov 2020, 5:18 pm by John Jascob
OCIE staff observed advisers that did not devote adequate resources to information technology and staff training regarding compliance. [read post]
4 Nov 2021, 9:03 pm by Katelynn Catalano
” The post Week in Review first appeared on The Regulatory Review. [read post]
7 Jan 2021, 9:05 pm by Joshua Burd
  The post Week in Review first appeared on The Regulatory Review. [read post]
12 May 2022, 9:03 pm by Katelynn Catalano
The post Week in Review first appeared on The Regulatory Review. [read post]
5 Aug 2021, 9:03 pm by Alana Sheppard
” The post Week in Review first appeared on The Regulatory Review. [read post]
16 Nov 2014, 9:30 pm by Cary Coglianese
Of the remaining “discretionary” rules, the vast majority are small amendments prompted by ongoing informal communications between regulated businesses and agency staff. [read post]
4 Mar 2019, 5:00 am by John Jascob
In the letter, the staff stated that in light of market, regulatory, and technological developments, it has continued to review existing director responsibilities to determine whether they are appropriate and are carried out in a manner that serves the shareholders’ best interests. [read post]
8 Jul 2021, 9:03 pm by Laura Welborn
FLASHBACK FRIDAY In an essay in The Regulatory Review, Alina Artunian, then a member of The Regulatory Review staff, outlined the complexities related to country-of-origin labels on meat products. [read post]
24 Apr 2018, 9:30 pm by Lisa A. Robinson
These challenges reinforce and strengthen the continuing need for increased analytic capacity in the regulatory agencies, including staff and other resources. [read post]
26 Jul 2017, 12:07 pm by Barbara S. Mishkin
A report prepared by the Democratic staff of the House Financial Services Committee takes aim at Republicans for “attempt[ing] to ensure that the country reverts back to a big bank-oriented regulatory environment and to ‘functionally terminate’ the [CFPB]. [read post]
25 Dec 2012, 9:30 pm by RegBlog
With the regulatory stories of 2012 coming to an end, RegBlog would like to take this opportunity to reflect back on what has been a year of significant regulatory developments in the United States and throughout the world. [read post]
19 Apr 2022, 12:56 pm by Herskovits, PLLC
Continue reading › The post GAG ORDERS USED BY FINRA UNDER REVIEW BY SCOTUS appeared first on FINRA Lawyer Blog. [read post]
6 Apr 2021, 9:08 pm by Milad Emamian
More SPDIs would appear to be riding into town.The post The Cowboy State Tames Bitcoin’s Regulatory Wild West first appeared on The Regulatory Review. [read post]
22 May 2014, 9:30 pm by Ronald M. Levin
In the context of retrospective review, however, fundamental regulatory policy judgments would have to be made at every turn. [read post]
26 Jan 2009, 11:01 am
Among other things, the regulatory review memo suggested that agencies "consider... [read post]
10 Oct 2013, 9:30 pm by RegBlog
Department of Agriculture (USDA) warned of a salmonella outbreak in chicken from certain California facilities.The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) furloughed ninety percent of its staff a day earlier than originally planned.Industry groups sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the agency’s renewable fuel standard.The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced that it would create a common platform for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to issue mortgage-backed… [read post]
1 May 2016, 9:30 pm by John Walke
And while the Gingrich Congress adopted the Congressional Review Act, today’s anti-regulatory soldiers in the revolution are pushing the far more radical REINS Act. [read post]