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16 Jul 2007, 10:26 am
Paul Edelman & Tracey George (Vanderbilt) has posted Six Degrees of Cass Sunstein: Collaboration Networks in Legal Scholarship on SSRN. [read post]
18 Jul 2007, 7:37 pm
The article by Paul Edelman and Tracey George is  here. [read post]
31 Mar 2012, 5:55 am
The retaliation lawsuit was filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC") on behalf of Tracey Tucker. [read post]
28 Jan 2009, 4:05 am
In a recent article republished by The ABA Journal, attorney Tracey Batt recalls being embarrassed by the firm's request that she undergo a fashion overhaul. [read post]
28 Aug 2006, 6:07 pm
The arrest warrant affidavit is unsealed and you can read it and the e-mails between Tracey and Karr here. [read post]
8 Sep 2011, 11:43 am by Thaddeus Mason Pope, J.D., Ph.D.
The recently filed David Tracey case has apparently prompted many other families across England to share their stories of cases in which a patient was made DNAR without consultation. [read post]
13 Nov 2015, 5:31 pm by CrimProf BlogEditor
Tracey Maclin (Boston University - School of Law) has posted Government Analysis of Shed DNA is a Search Under the Fourth Amendment (Texas Tech Law Review, 2015 Criminal Law Symposium: The 4th Amendment in the 21st Century, Vol. 48, Forthcoming)... [read post]
11 Mar 2024, 12:01 pm by Paul Caron
Jordan Barry (USC; Google Scholar) presents Tax and the Boundaries of the Firm (with Victor Fleischer (UC-Irvine; Google Scholar); reviewed by Tracey Roberts (Cumberland; Google Scholar) here) at Pepperdine today as part of its Tax Policy Workshop Series hosted by Deanna Newton: One of the most fundamental questions of economics... [read post]
11 Feb 2022, 11:30 am by Tracey Roberts
This week, Tracey Roberts (Cumberland; Google Scholar) reviews a new work by Michael Love (Berkeley), Where in the World Does Partnership Income Go? [read post]