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3 Jan 2023, 6:01 am by Florence G'SELL
A lot has happened since Elon Musk made a sensational entrance in Twitter headquarters by carrying a sink. [read post]
3 May 2018, 1:50 pm by David Kris
Yesterday morning, President Donald Trump tweeted: A Rigged System - They don’t want to turn over Documents to Congress. [read post]
30 Apr 2018, 2:31 pm by Eugene Volokh
Kimberly McCauley is a California anti-vaccination activist, who has been in the news expressing her views. [read post]
5 Oct 2020, 2:00 am by Annsley Merelle Ward
Settle in with the Chat Français for some French carb loading of delicious, fresh patent decisions from the first half of 2020Finding it difficult to keep up with an ever-changing world in the midst of a health, environmental, social and political crisis, while keeping up with patent law? [read post]
27 Mar 2019, 10:16 am by Margaret Taylor
Recent weeks have seen a fresh round of reports about the White House’s handling of security clearances for President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and daughter, Ivanka Trump. [read post]
5 Nov 2018, 3:32 pm by Wolfgang Demino
Indiana Court of Appeals holds that loan on which Defendant in collection suit by National Collegiate Student Loan Trust was co-signer was not discharged in Defendant's bankruptcy because it had been guaranteed by TERI, a nonprofit entity; reverses trial court's grant of summary judgment in the cosignor's favor. [read post]
15 Dec 2007, 3:10 pm
The Texas Cerebral Palsy Resource Guide is a compilation of resources for individuals with cerebral palsy and their families. [read post]
13 Nov 2007, 7:03 am
Moore Avenue, Ritter Hall Annex 423 Philadelphia, PA 19122 Phone: (215) 204-3862; (800) 204-PIAT (Toll Free) TTY: (800) 750-PIAT (Toll Free in PA) E-mail: Web: Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (AFP) 102 Pickering Way, Suite 200 Exton, PA 19341 Phone: (484) 875-3066; (888) 744-1938 (Toll Free) TTY: (877) 693-7271 (Toll Free) Fax: (484) 875-0982 E-mail: Web:… [read post]
30 Nov 2010, 11:06 am by The Legal Blog
Justice Muralidhar of the Delhi High Court has discussed the Law relating to Jurisdiction of Courts while dealing with a Passing Off action involving the use of an universally accessible web site. [read post]
16 Aug 2010, 2:26 pm
I see no reason to add to the already excellent spate of commentaries on the flaws in the reasoning and legal analysis devised by Judge Vaughan Walker to hold California's Proposition 8 unconstitutional under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. [read post]
21 May 2020, 4:00 am by Comunicaciones_MJ
Visita nuestro Observatorio COVID-19 en Puerto Rico A pocos días de que se venza el plazo de la gobernadora Wanda Vázquez Garced para firmar o vetar el proyecto del nuevo Código Civil que aprobó la Asamblea Legislativa, el profesor Ariel O. [read post]
18 Mar 2020, 1:55 am by Kevin Kaufman
 Key Findings Income earned from appreciating assets—rather than wages—constitutes a large portion of income for taxpayers in the highest income brackets. [read post]
6 Jan 2025, 11:00 am by Jacob Fishman
This bibliography comprises scholarly books, book chapters, and journal articles published or accepted for publication by full-time, emeritus, and retired faculty of the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law between October 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024. [read post]
12 Nov 2021, 9:52 am by Eugene Volokh
I'm putting up some excerpts from my new draft article, The Law of Pseudonymous Litigation, hoping to get some feedback. [read post]
13 Nov 2018, 11:01 am by Kevin Kaufman
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has recently released new data on individual income taxes for tax year 2016, showing the number of taxpayers, adjusted gross income, and income tax shares by income percentiles.[1] The data demonstrates that the U.S. individual income tax continues to be very progressive, borne primarily by the highest income earners.[2] In 2016, 140.9 million taxpayers reported earning $10.2 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.4 trillion in individual income taxes. [read post]