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7 Jun 2010, 10:00 am by law shucks
Covington’s Gerard Waldron, Mace Rosenstein, Matthew DelNero, and Robert Sherman signed the ex parte letter to the FTC. [read post]
5 Jul 2008, 1:37 pm
Those of you reviewers and "friends", ex girlfriends, and jealous ex editors who can't accept the beauty that was Hunter, it's time you step aside. [read post]
14 Feb 2012, 5:55 am by Russell Jackson
I remember the pre-CAFA days of drive-by certifications, when Southern courts would certify classes ex parte on the day the complaint was filed. [read post]
26 Apr 2011, 1:52 pm by Dennis Crouch
In March of that year, Kunin published a notice in the USPTO Official Gazette explaining further limitations on the examination corps in dealing with non-party contact with examiners during ex parte prosecution. [read post]
19 Aug 2011, 3:46 pm by Eugene Volokh
Even if the injunction restricted only speech that allegedly fell into a First Amendment exception (such as libel or threats or obscenity), such an injunction would almost never be constitutional unless it was issued following a final decision on the merits that the speech indeed falls into a First Amendment exception — and there was no final decision on the merits here: This is a preliminary injunction issued at an ex parte hearing at which defendant wasn’t… [read post]
1 Jun 2009, 9:17 am
The opinion says the ex parte communications and the independent gathering of information indicated a disregard of the principles of judicial conduct. [read post]
14 Apr 2010, 3:21 pm
Pero también puede venir excluida, al amparo del art. 1.3 c) ET , por falta de dependencia en el trabajo, cuando se trata de personas que forman parte del órgano máximo de dirección de la empresa, como ocurre con el demandante del presente pleito, en cuanto, además de ser titular de un tercio del capital social, era administrador solidario junto con los otros dos socios, siendo función típica de estas personas que forman… [read post]
18 Jul 2012, 8:10 am by Harry Cole
  That’s an ex parte report that we filed with the Commission, at OMD’s request, the day after the call. [read post]
20 Sep 2012, 11:50 am
The option of appearing in court on an emergency [ex parte] basis is not appropriate unless a legitimate emergency which many Judges feel is abuse, molest or neglect in the custody issues along with arrests, convictions or a flight risk to another country. [read post]
17 Aug 2016, 4:23 pm by Law Offices of Nancy J. Bickford, APC
  For an Ex Parte hearing, notice must be given 24 hours before the hearing. [read post]
7 Apr 2023, 10:51 am by Rebecca Tushnet
(3)   Look at ecosystem, not platform; everyone should be part of the solution. [read post]
9 Nov 2012, 6:02 am by Monroe Freedman
  He filed ex parte, under seal, a notice to the Court. [read post]