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16 Jul 2021, 9:30 pm
The Centre for English Legal History’s recent talk with former LHB Guest Blogger Thomas McSweeney, William & Mary Law on his book, Priests of the Law: Roman Law and the Making of the Common Law's First Professionals, is available here. [read post]
10 Aug 2009, 8:00 am
Johns ATV Crash. [read post]
15 Sep 2011, 8:59 pm
No: Questions about his guilt continue to plague his conviction," is the title of William S. [read post]
16 Feb 2009, 9:48 am
John V. [read post]
17 Sep 2011, 2:17 pm
In the prosecutor’s corner was Colorado’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel and Head Disciple of Discipline John Gleason, who returned to the ‘Valley of the Infernal Sun,’ a.k.a. [read post]
13 Dec 2011, 8:03 am
Next is William Rehnquist, who was a contemporary colleague of Stevens’ before he was elevated to chief justice. [read post]
16 Feb 2018, 10:07 am
Following January’s ruling by Judge William Alsup in San Francisco, a second federal court has issued a nationwide injunction ordering the government to keep DACA in place. [read post]
8 Jan 2009, 4:00 am
In re Williams, Serial No. 77100894 (December 30, 2008) [not precedential].Applicant's goods are used in offshore shipboard drilling operations, using flywheels to store energy. [read post]
21 Oct 2008, 5:19 pm
The book's subtitle says it all "the study and practice of information management". [read post]
22 Mar 2016, 5:48 am
District Judge William Bertelsman said in a 103-page opinion that brothers Dennis and John Griffin had intimidated their sisters to keep them from getting their fair share of a fortune derived from Griffin Industries, a Northern Kentucky rendering business their father founded in 1943. [read post]
16 Mar 2007, 8:03 pm
The pairs he examines are: 1) John Marshall (M/P) and Thomas Jefferson (IPW) 2) John Marshall Harlan (M/P) and Oliver Wendell Holmes (IPW) 3) Hugo Black (M/P) and Melvin William Douglas (IPW) 4) William Rehnquist (M/P) and Antonin Scalia (IPW) Of these, the only ideologically pure warrior to have influenced constitutional law in the long run, according to Rosen, is Holmes, and only because he moderated his judicial philosophy in the 1920s. [read post]
31 Dec 2010, 10:44 am
Firefighters John Zajac and David Payne were also injured. [read post]
15 Jul 2015, 3:28 am
District Judge John Kronstadt has accepted the Gaye family's contention that record labels including UMG Recordings, Interscope and Star Trak Entertainment should be held liable for their distribution of the song that was found to be a copy of Gaye's "Got to Give It Up" and he also ruled that Clifford "T.I. [read post]
3 Jul 2018, 3:02 am
On June 29th, it filed a motion under Section 18 to amend the ownership of the application.Text Copyright John L. [read post]
19 Jul 2010, 4:30 am
It's a thought we Camembert. [read post]
22 Nov 2015, 6:02 pm
President Theodore Roosevelt described him as “a bearded iceberg”; Hughes’s political rival William Randolph Hearst labeled him an “animated feather duster. [read post]
12 Oct 2021, 6:30 am
" -- William M. [read post]
8 May 2019, 3:00 pm
John Fund, Inc., 134 S. [read post]
27 Oct 2007, 1:03 pm
This article says the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association is one of the largest donors to candidates for the General Assembly in the upcoming elections.According to VPAP, here is how the VTLARepublican: $147,000 (49%)Democrat: $149,250 (50%)Other: $2,500 144 donations totaling $298,750Candidate/Committee ContributionsAlbo, David B (R-H042), $5,000 Alexander, Kenneth C (D-H089), $500 Amundson, Kristen (D-H044), $500 Armstrong, Ward L (D-H010), $6,000 Athey, Clifford "Clay"… [read post]
18 Jun 2017, 9:01 pm
Marshall’s father bought him a copy of Blackstone’s Commentaries for young John Marshall to read and study. [read post]