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20 Mar 2022, 9:00 pm by Austin Sarat
”The remarkable documentary 13th connects that “except” clause to the long history of the criminalization of Black people and to contemporary mass incarceration. [read post]
1 Feb 2014, 6:55 am by Yishai Schwartz
And Wells linked to a District Court ruling in United States v. [read post]
30 Jun 2022, 4:00 am by Ian Mackenzie
What is a bit awkward in this book is the foreword, written by former Justice Marshall Rothstein. [read post]
28 May 2019, 9:01 pm by Michael C. Dorf
That is how Chief Justice John Marshall derived the rule that states cannot tax federal entities in the 1819 case of McCulloch v. [read post]
26 Oct 2023, 8:27 am by Amy Howe
Marshall, a case that began as lawsuits brought by two Alabama women, Halima Culley and Lena Sutton. [read post]
18 Dec 2011, 4:11 pm by INFORRM
Journalism and the PCC There are no new PCC adjudications to report, but four “resolved” complaints: Information Affairs Authority of Bahrain v The Independent, Clause 1, 14 December 2011 ; Mrs Kate Adams-Moor v The People, Clause 1, 13/12/2011; Brent Council v Kilburn Times Clause 1, 2, 12/12/2011; Mr Will Knock v Daily Mail, Clause 1, 12/12/2011. [read post]
1 Feb 2011, 9:11 pm
 That language doesn't come from some post-New Deal/Warren Court expansion of the scope of federal power, but from the leading case on the scope of Congressional power, CJ John Marshall's 1819 opinion in McCulloch v. [read post]
4 Dec 2018, 12:54 pm by Adam Feldman
Although in the years before Chief Justice John Marshall the federal judiciary was described in Federalist No. 78 as “beyond comparison the weakest of the three departments of power,” this characterization is much more debatable at the present. [read post]
23 Aug 2012, 5:11 am
For the very sensible reasons explained by the Supreme Court of the United States in Powell v. [read post]
27 Aug 2015, 9:01 pm by Vikram David Amar
Various Supreme Court Justices (including Thurgood Marshall in Batson itself and Stephen Breyer a decade ago in Miller-El v. [read post]