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23 May 2013, 9:42 am
Most of Apple's hearing revolved around its tax practices, the interests of shareholders versus those of the American people, and the enormous amount of cash owned by Apple oversea (more than US$ 100 billion). [read post]
23 Apr 2020, 10:41 am by Peter Margulies
The limited coverage and copious exceptions in the proclamation will limit the number of people harmed and thus limit the pool of possible challengers. [read post]
16 Jul 2013, 5:16 am by David Oscar Markus
Alito Jr., writing for the majority in the case, Clapper v. [read post]
24 Sep 2016, 3:17 pm by Larry
Sometimes the issues are generally applicable and require attention, which is the case with Guangzhou Jangho Curtain Wall v. [read post]
24 Jan 2011, 3:42 am by SHG
When Orin Kerr noted the unusual opinion out of Fourth District Court of Appeals in Florida in Ruiz v. [read post]
22 Feb 2007, 9:35 am
Most people would never notice it, would not understand it, and after all, not that many people are exactly Rosa Parks types who stand up to authority figures who are about to hold their lives in their hands. [read post]
25 May 2018, 3:10 am by Michael Lowe
Federal drug arrests can force the accused into negotiating a plea agreement, where special considerations apply to the defendant’s situation. [read post]
24 Dec 2009, 8:02 pm by Lawrence B. Ebert
Cooper Life Scis., Inc., 34 F.3d 1048, 1052 (Fed. [read post]
13 Apr 2018, 9:30 am by Hanlon Law, PA
That includes a 1993 decision by the Fifth District Court of Appeal in Cooper v. [read post]