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4 Mar 2008, 7:10 am
That's the number to call for the hit-woman personified by Joan Jett in her re-make of AC/DC's "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. [read post]
30 Jan 2012, 1:01 pm
E, devido a essa omissão, aquela entidade interpôs Recursos Especial (REsp) ao Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) e Extraordinário (RE) ao STF, contestando o acórdão (decisão colegiada) do TJ fluminense. [read post]
29 Oct 2010, 2:53 am by Francis Davey
It is this principle which underlies the practice of requiring the applicant, as a term of relief, to pay the costs properly incurred by the lessor in connection with the re-entry and the proceedings for relief. [read post]
20 Dec 2007, 10:40 am
**UPDATEThe 271Blog discussed on 26 Dec. an aspect of the PubPat brief:Interestingly, the brief suggests that patent applicants and practitioners are not entirely within the purview of the "public interest":[A]rguments regarding the public interest made by patent holders and patent attorneys should be carefully scrutinized, because they are, in fact, the special interests that benefit from the patent system and what benefits them personally may not actually benefit the public… [read post]
25 Oct 2010, 8:10 am by Yvonne Renfrew
I broke, and then re-broke my foot, resulting in being in a boot/cast contraption for nearly a year. [read post]
9 Aug 2012, 7:23 am by J
In fairness to the landlord, the President had previously suggested that this might be right in an earlier case of Re: Ascham Homes Ltd LRX/8/2009 (here, our note here). [read post]
16 Apr 2010, 2:59 pm by Jonathan H. Adler
Not likely, because they’re all perceived as smart, well-respected constitutional scholars and judges. [read post]
30 Jan 2008, 11:15 am
It’s not a true wiki in the sense that anyone can edit it – we’re really concerned about objectivity and accuracy, so we don’t think it’s prudent to just let anyone out there change around the pages – but we definitely plan on expanding our coverage and trying some different things with it. [read post]
5 Apr 2015, 3:49 pm by Stephen Bilkis
NYC Adminstrative Code § 10-131(b) Defendant also argues that New York City's ban on the possession of air pistols, AC § 10-131(b), violates the Second Amendment. [read post]
14 Nov 2016, 4:50 am by Ronald V. Miller, Jr.
What they are telling us is that J&J, the ACS, and this literature is on the wrong side of history. [read post]
2 Jan 2011, 9:02 am by The Legal Blog
 Singh agreed to Moily's request to have a re-look at the chain of events and the circumstantial evidence in the brutal double murder, sources said. [read post]
8 Jan 2020, 7:23 pm by Melanie Fontes
  He currently is Co-Chair of the ACS Chicago Lawyer Chapter. [read post]
6 Aug 2009, 9:31 pm
A major persisting source of human salmonellosis in California, New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 316:565-570, March 5, 1987, Number 10, JS Spika, SH Waterman, GW Hoo, ME St Louis, RE Pacer, SM James, ML Bissett, LW Mayer, JY Chiu, B Hall, and et al. [read post]
26 Feb 2010, 10:18 am by Betsy McKenzie
The ace in the hole for musicians is that they're not as dependent on copyright as book authors are. [read post]
18 Jul 2022, 7:53 am by Mark Ashton
But when they re-opened Mother chose to keep them out of public school and continued to educated them at home. [read post]
11 Mar 2008, 12:06 pm
At one point you will wonder how you are able to handle double-load of school work, juggle your extra-curricular commitments, ace these interviews, handle rejections/acceptances, and maintain your sanity. [read post]
9 Aug 2012, 7:23 am by J
In fairness to the landlord, the President had previously suggested that this might be right in an earlier case of Re: Ascham Homes Ltd LRX/8/2009 (here, our note here). [read post]