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12 May 2011, 2:20 am by John L. Welch
TTABlog note: Thanks again to The Trademark Reporter for granting permission to provide a link to this entire issue, which is Copyright © 2011 the International Trademark Association and reprinted with permission from The Trademark Reporter®, 101 TMR 323 (March-April 2011).Text Copyright John L. [read post]
16 Oct 2018, 9:01 pm by Jim Sedor
They’re not alone” by Jason Clayworth for Des Moines Register New York: “Email Shows Cuomo Donor Contacted Officials During Grant Process” by Chris Bragg for Albany Times Union West Virginia: “W.Va. [read post]
24 Nov 2020, 9:59 am by CMS
Ability of appellate court to re-make the Upper Tribunal’s decision Lord Burrows also confirmed that s.84 does permit an appellate court to “re-make” the U [read post]
15 Dec 2023, 3:26 pm by thomasgalvani
 However, you can actually amend the application just before it issues as a granted patent. [read post]
8 Aug 2015, 12:35 pm by Lawrence B. Ebert
(citing In re Carletti, 328 F.2d1020, 1022 (CCPA 1964); Power Controls Corp. v. [read post]
3 Mar 2020, 1:35 pm by Ashoka Mukpo
The details of TRAP laws can be wonky and complicated, but what they’re meant to do isn’t. [read post]
14 Mar 2008, 3:00 am
By Sarah Jost Nielsen, published in The Advocate, The Kentucky Justice Association, March/April 2008, Volume 36, Number 2. [read post]
5 May 2015, 7:54 pm
If anyone is in need of legal assistance, refer them to Stephen Bilkis and Associates. [read post]
5 May 2015, 7:54 pm
If anyone is in need of legal assistance, refer them to Stephen Bilkis and Associates. [read post]
4 May 2015, 2:10 pm
If anyone is in need of legal assistance, refer them to Stephen Bilkis and Associates. [read post]
4 May 2015, 2:10 pm
If anyone is in need of legal assistance, refer them to Stephen Bilkis and Associates. [read post]
20 Apr 2009, 11:54 pm
On March 9, 2009, the Land Use Commission, State of Hawaii granted Alexander & Baldwin its request to designate 3,773.1 acres of land on the island of Kauai to important agricultural lands ("IAL"). [read post]
20 Jul 2010, 12:18 am by INFORRM
  The coverage appeared in 2004, but in 2005 the German courts granted the actor’s application for order banning re-publication of any information about the entire issue, and banned the use of photographs. [read post]
10 Jun 2016, 9:32 am by John Elwood
California Teachers Association, 14-915, another case affirmed by an equally divided Court. [read post]
12 Dec 2018, 7:43 am by John Elwood
American Humanist Association, 18-18, granted on November 2, namely whether the establishment clause requires removal of longstanding memorials because they take the shape of religious symbols. [read post]
8 Jan 2010, 12:43 am
Visit Legal Technology Bending the Truth Can Break a Legal Career The Connecticut Law Tribune Give a long second thought to padding that resume or fudging the truth on a job application, especially if you're a lawyer. [read post]