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28 Sep 2022, 8:00 am
Negotiation Essentials for Lawyers, Andrea Kupfer Schneider & Chris Honeyman eds., 2019 The concept behind this anthology was to distill the most important lessons about negotiation that lawyers will actually use and to help lawyers apply the lessons efficiently. [read post]
15 Oct 2008, 7:16 pm
–Andrea Schneider Cross posted at The ADR Prof Blog. [read post]
23 Jun 2011, 8:13 am
Renee Newman Knake, Legal Ethics Forum Kim Krawiec, The Faculty Lounge Sonia Lawrence, Institute for Feminist Legal Studies at Osgoode Blog Orly Lobel, Prawfsblawg Solangel Maldonado, Concurring Opinions Serena Mayeri, Legal History Blog Tracy McGaugh, Millenial Law Prof Colin Miller, Evidence Prof Blog Marie Newman, Out of the Jungle Ellen Podgor, White Collar Crime Prof Blog Nancy Polikoff, Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage Lisa Pruitt, Legal Ruralism and IntLawGrrls Jaya Ramji-Nogales,… [read post]
28 Jan 2010, 8:55 pm
Mehta I saw a fascinating post about negotiations and chocolate cake in a recent post by Andrea Schneider on the ADR Prof Blog. [read post]
29 Oct 2020, 4:00 am
A lawyer has an obligation to be honourable and a duty of integrity. [read post]
23 Oct 2017, 7:43 am
The Law School News section of the magazine, which may be read by clicking here, includes a set of facts and perspectives on the Law School’s Public Service program, which involves a very large number of students in pro bono work; a story on Professor Andrea Schneider’s being honored by the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution; a welcome for a new professor at the Law School, Alex Lemann, and a piece on a book, Wisconsin and the Shaping of… [read post]
8 Feb 2012, 10:58 am
Since I (along with my dear colleague Andrea Schneider) teach one of the two sections of the Negotiation Workshop at MULS, I spend a lot of time thinking about skills related to successful negotiation, something lawyers do daily on any number of different planes. [read post]
18 Feb 2010, 1:16 pm
The Ombuds Blog, by Tom Kosakowski ADR Prof Blog, by Andrea Schneider, Michael Moffitt, Sarah Cole, Art Hinshaw, Jill Gross, and Cynthia Alkon Mediation’s Place, by Joe Markowitz International Dispute Negotiation, a podcast hosted by Michael McIlwrath and the International Institute for Conflict Resolution and Prevention (CPR) Mediation Stuff, by John Lassey The Recovering Engineer, by Guy Harris Business Conflict Blog, by F. [read post]
12 Jun 2007, 8:26 am
Richard ShellGetting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, by Roger Fisher and William UryThe Negotiator's Fieldbook, edited by Andrea Kupfer Schneider and Christopher HoneymanInfluence: The Psychology of Persuasion, by Robert CialdiniSo be prepared for your next negotiation--or your next mediation session. [read post]
10 Jan 2011, 11:54 am
FreemanEnergy LawEnergy and environmental project finance law and taxation : new investment techniques / edited by Andrea S. [read post]
6 Mar 2012, 11:34 am
Professor and restorative justice scholar Mark Umbreit, from the University of Minnesota Center on Restorative Justice and Peacemaking, as well as MULS Professors Andrea Schneider and Michael O’Hear, also attended the meeting. [read post]
20 May 2008, 11:41 am
Bazerman The Negotiator's Fieldbook, edited by Andrea Kupfer Schneider and Christopher Honeyman Ask for It: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation to Get What They Really Want, by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate, by Daniel Shapiro and Roger Fisher Online negotiation resources abound. [read post]
12 Aug 2009, 9:41 am
Practising Law Institute 2008 $8.00 Environmental Law Forum- Ninth Annual Pennsylvania Bar Institute no. 2004-3624 9th ed. $10.00 ERISA: a Comprehensive Guide Schneider, Paul J. [read post]
21 Apr 2010, 8:33 am
(IACM Working Paper, 2008) -Andrea Schneider (cross-post from ADR Prof Blog) [read post]
31 Aug 2009, 1:23 am
ADR Prof Blog, by Andrea Schneider, Michael Moffitt, Sarah Cole, Art Hinshaw, Jill Gross, and Cynthia Alkon. [read post]
14 Aug 2015, 4:15 pm
Law Enforcement: The Case of Chengguan in ChinaPhilipp HirschfeldUnderstanding the Conflict between China’s ConstitutionsJean Christopher Mittelstaedt, Sciences Po18.00-20.00 h — Guided City TourMeeting Point: University of Cologne Seminar BuildingUniversitätsstraße 37, 50931 ColognePlease register your participation in the members’ areaSunday, 27 September 201509.00-10.30 h — Parallel SessionsUniversity of Cologne Seminar BuildingUniversitätsstraße 37,… [read post]
16 Oct 2019, 5:31 am
Schneider, Shadow Economies Around the World: What Did We Learn Over the Last 20 Years? [read post]
29 Jul 2011, 7:00 am
(New York: Penguin Books, 1981), 3-6. 4 Roger Fisher, Elizabeth Kopelman and Andrea Kupfer Schneider, Beyond Machiavelli: Tools for Coping with Conflict. [read post]
29 Mar 2018, 9:35 am
While most of the courses had enrollments of 10-30 students, Andrea Schneider required students in her 70-student ADR survey course to write 1-2 page papers, which she did not grade. [read post]
31 Mar 2015, 11:52 am
I had the opportunity to accompany Professor Andrea Schneider and the thirty-three students in her International Dispute Resolution class on their trip to Israel over Spring Break. [read post]