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16 Nov 2010, 9:17 am by Maxwell Kennerly
Anthony Sebok takes this analogy one step further, and sees the possibility of litigating financing spreading to the masses, opening a world of civil litigation previously denied to everyone who either isn't rich or didn't suffer enough in economic damages to encourage a plaintiff's lawyer: While I am concerned about the overall cost of litigation, I am more concerned about the imbalance of resources available to the average American. [read post]
4 Jan 2010, 3:45 am by Eric Turkewitz
When you outsource your marketing you outsource your ethics.Second in line to get clobbered are the professor-commentators on its roster, such as Anthony Sebok, Marci Hamilton, Michael Dorf, Carl Tobias, Sherry Colb, Joanna Grossman, Neil Buchanan, and Julie Hilden, to name a few.All of their work on FindLaw's Writ has now been instantly devalued and diminished by being associated with the BS-blogs that FindLaw created. [read post]