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29 Jun 2020, 10:54 am by Michael DelSignore
Title VII is a portion of the larger Civil Rights Act of 1964, the first truly significant civil rights law borne out of the landmark Supreme Court decision in Brown v. [read post]
9 Jun 2015, 5:25 am by Amy Howe
  At Mayer Brown’s Class Defense Blog, Tim Bishop (and others) discuss the grant in the class-action case Tyson Foods v. [read post]
17 May 2017, 1:01 am by rhapsodyinbooks
We watch a Court willing to allow the internment of Japanese citizens during World War II evolve into the champion of civil rights that outlawed racial segregation in schools in Brown v. [read post]
24 Apr 2008, 5:47 am
  Here are some morning media links covering this interesting high-profile case: From the Associated Press, Prosecutors seek hard sentence for Snipes in tax trial From the Ocala Star-Banner, Snipes memo to judge cites probation as 'just punishment' From the Ocala Star-Banner, Support for Snipes from Denzel, Woody, Judge Joe Brown From the Orlando Sentinel, Why Snipes Shouldn't go to prison Thanks to the wonders of the web, everyone can access the… [read post]
17 Feb 2011, 1:01 pm by Stefanie Levine
Next up is Peter Brown of Baker Hostetler discussing critical pitfalls in Intellectual Property Licenses. [read post]
14 Mar 2012, 11:42 am
In this case, called Brown v. 1301 K Street Limited Partnership, the employee was hired by Allied Barton Security beginning in January 2005. [read post]
19 Apr 2018, 10:50 am by Zietlow, Rebecca E.
John and Thelma Aaron and others filed suit in federal court in Arkansas for the purpose of integrating Arkansas schools subsequent to Brown v. [read post]
8 Dec 2011, 2:54 am
Mr Justice Burton concluded his judgment by stating that the choice by an insured of his own lawyer did not "of itself constitute the taking of an unreasonable step".___________________________________ 1(1) Christine Brown-Quinn (2) Webster Dixon LLP v (1) Equity Syndicate Management Ltd (2) Motorplus Ltd: Webster Dixton LLP v (1) Equity Syndicate Management Ltd (2) ACM ULR Ltd: (1) Janine Baxter (2) Webster Dixon LLP v (1) Equity Syndicate Management… [read post]
1 Mar 2012, 6:36 am by Scott J. Davis, Mayer Brown LLP,
Editor’s Note: Scott Davis is the head of the US Mergers and Acquisitions group at Mayer Brown LLP. [read post]