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14 Oct 2011, 5:39 am
The blog, edited by professor Nadja Alexander and Bill Marsh, will also feature regular collaborators, including: Jeffrey Krivis, Joel Lee, Diane Levin, Geoff Sharp, Rafal Morek, and Machtel Pel. [read post]
27 Dec 2009, 8:00 pm
Value-based fees in the mediation and ADR world Professional mediators Amanda Bucklow, Tammy Lenski and Diane Levin discuss the problems associated with hourly and project billing, and ponder the promise and challenges of value-based fees. [read post]
3 Aug 2007, 5:32 pm
" Update [2007-8-3 20:59:55 by Big Tent Democrat]: Diane Feintstein turns in one of the most pathetic performances I have ever seen. [read post]
13 Oct 2008, 6:51 am
Blawg Review #181 is a triumph and it's professional negligence not to read it.Hosted by the much loved matriarch of the ADR blogosphere, Diane Levin over at the Mediation Channel, Blawg Review #181 celebrates International Conflict Resolution Day.What can I say? [read post]
14 Oct 2007, 3:20 am
Go there, today, where tomorrow comes early and the people are forever young.And watch the Online Guide to Mediation for tomorrow's Northern Hemisphere edition of Blawg Review #130, by Diane Levin, founder of the worldwide directory of alternative dispute resolution blogs.It's a Blawg Review twofer in recognition of Blog Action Day, today, and Conflict Resolution Day, on Thursday of this week. [read post]
13 Oct 2008, 5:19 am
Nobody blogs it better than Diane Levin at the Mediation Channel, who hosts Blawg Review # 181 in celebration of International Conflict Resolution Day. [read post]
9 Apr 2008, 2:26 pm
Now I see that the prolific negotiation-guru, ADR queen, and mediation czar Diane Levin is a part of this dynamic group. [read post]
7 Jun 2008, 7:20 am
Test your optimism" by Diane Levin at her got me thinking. [read post]
12 Aug 2005, 6:27 pm
Online Guide to Mediation (blog) :: Diane Levin's blog Mediation Mensch (blog) :: Dina Beach Lynch's blog National Arbitration Forum Blog :: Blog featuring news for arbitrators Conflict Management and Mediation (blog) :: Tom Lutz's blog for the Mediation Training Institute International Resolving Racial Conflict book :: Link to Bertram Levine's book on the history of the CRS. [read post]
12 Aug 2005, 6:27 pm
Online Guide to Mediation (blog) :: Diane Levin's blog Mediation Mensch (blog) :: Dina Beach Lynch's blog National Arbitration Forum Blog :: Blog featuring news for arbitrators Conflict Management and Mediation (blog) :: Tom Lutz's blog for the Mediation Training Institute International Resolving Racial Conflict book :: Link to Bertram Levine's book on the history of the CRS. [read post]
15 Jan 2013, 1:25 pm
The Senate Intelligence Committee spent four years investigating the CIA’s torture program, and according to three of its leaders who know the facts – Senators Diane Feinstein, Carl Levin and John McCain – the torture program didn’t lead to bin Laden. [read post]
17 Apr 2008, 10:25 am
Among other bloggers who attended were Diane Levin of, Leanna Hamill of Massachusetts Estate Planning and Elder Law, Joshua Paulin of Boston Immigration and Nationality Blog, Doug Cornelius of KM Space, Aaron Silverstein and Matthew Saunders of Saunders Silverstein & Booth, Jessica Foley of Massachusetts Driving Laws, and others that I know I am forgetting. [read post]
23 Feb 2010, 5:00 am
The training for this program will be provided by Chuck Doran, who has worked as a Classical and Organizational Ombuds, and Diane Levin, who writes the Mediation Channel blog. [read post]
29 Dec 2008, 3:44 pm
And last, a confession - earlier this month I attempted, with the help of my colleague Diane Levin, to generate some buzz in the ADR blogosphere by running a best ADR post for 2008 competition.Thank you to the 4 bloggers who entered but I felt maybe my timing was off and that the same thing early next year might generate more interest. [read post]
24 Oct 2010, 3:00 pm
(pictured: the Queen of the ADR Blogosphere ~Diane Levin of the Mediation Channel and the World Directory of ADR Blogs) I began to blog on ADR topics in 2006 when I stumbled over local mediator Jeff Krivis’ blog (thanks Jeff!) [read post]
11 Dec 2007, 7:00 pm
Joe Biden's bill, S. 1711, co-sponsored by John Kerry, Russ Feingold and Carl Levin is better. [read post]
13 Apr 2009, 8:01 am
Diane Jennings writes, "Killer who tore out own eyes fuels Texas debate on insanity defense. [read post]
16 Nov 2010, 6:25 pm
Creating High-Touch Relationships Dan Hull, Karen Glover, US District Court Judge John Kane, Susan Cartier Liebel Being All That You Can Be Marian Lee, Bruce MacEwen, Michael Melcher, Catherine Hance Summer Reading Anne Castle, Nancy Sher Cohen, Donald Polden, David Maister Inspirations for New Lawyers Brooke Wunnicke, Linda Kornfeld, Ed Post Top Titles on Pecuniary Matters Joan Haratani, Patton Hyman, John Warnick, Diane Levin Guidance on Leadership Scott Rogers, Ida Abbott, Mark… [read post]
2 Nov 2007, 12:37 pm
" As Diane Levin notes in her recent post think you're neutral? [read post]
17 Oct 2007, 5:15 pm
THE PANEL: Gini Nelson, Vickie Pynchon, Colm Brannigan and Diane Levin. [read post]