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10 Sep 2019, 12:37 pm by Workplace Prof
Just a scholarly note that Duke's Law and Contemporary Problems journal symposium issue on "Work After the End of Employment" is now published. [read post]
16 Dec 2010, 9:55 am by Eric Lipman
Today, according to the ABA Journal (and, again, Caron's own Tax Prof Blog), we have another law professor -- Richard Schmalbeck of Duke (pictured, left) -- going on record as suggesting that, absent Congressional action, the imminent return of the "death tax" means that there will be blood between now and the time the big ball drops in Times Square in a couple of weeks. [read post]
10 Aug 2010, 7:15 am by Kashmir Hill
In defense of young lawyers [National Law Journal] David F. [read post]
22 Apr 2009, 9:55 am
(tie) UVAFor more rankings, visit the Wall Street Journal Law Blog.Source: WSJ Law Blog [read post]
6 May 2010, 1:22 pm by CrimProf BlogEditor
Hiroshi Motomura (University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law) has posted The Rights of Others: Legal Claims and Immigration Outside the Law (Duke Law Journal, Vol. 59, pp, 1723-1786, 2010) on SSRN. [read post]
20 Dec 2010, 7:33 am by WISCONSIN LAW JOURNAL STAFF
Boston (Dolan) - Sanctions in e-discovery cases are at an all-time high, according to a recent analysis published in the Duke Law Journal. [read post]
16 Feb 2009, 3:50 pm
Matthew Michael Calabria has written this student note on WRTL II for the Duke Law Journal.... [read post]
24 Apr 2009, 12:39 pm
The Legal Workshop is a new, free, online magazine featuring articles based on legal scholarship published in the print editions of seven participating law reviews: Stanford Law Review, New York University Law Review, Cornell Law Review, Duke Law Journal, Georgetown Law Journal, Northwestern Law Review, and University of Chicago Law Review. [read post]
16 Jul 2021, 6:50 am by J. Michael Goodson Law Library
The popular document provides links and guidance on submitting articles to the 196 flagship law journals in the U.S. [read post]
14 Jan 2019, 9:54 am by Howard Bashman
“Chief Justice Robots”: Law professor Eugene Volokh has this article forthcoming in the Duke Law Journal (via “The Volokh Conspiracy“). [read post]
16 Mar 2010, 3:56 pm by J. Michael Goodson Law Library
The engine includes all Duke Law journals (which have been provided free on the web since 1997), as well as many other major U.S. law reviews, several bar journals, and a variety of international and foreign law publications. [read post]
16 May 2010, 7:01 am by Jacob Katz Cogan
Helfer (Duke Univ. - Law) has posted Exiting Custom: Analogies to Treaty Withdrawals (Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law, forthcoming). [read post]
6 Apr 2010, 7:49 pm by Dwight Sullivan
Thanks to JO’C for calling our attention to this tribute that the Duke Law Journal published to honor Judge Everett. [read post]
4 Jun 2009, 12:13 pm
Richman (Duke) posted on SSRN's Nonprofit and Philanthropy Law Abstracting Journal an abstract of their working paper on antitrust and nonprofit hospital mergers entitled "Mergers of Nonprofit Hospitals: Rectifying a (Serious) Failure... [read post]
8 Aug 2011, 6:46 am by CivPro Blogger
Professor Marin Levy (Duke University) has posted on SSRN a draft of her article, The Mechanics of Federal Appeals: Uniformity and Case Management in the Circuit Courts, which is forthcoming in the Duke Law Journal. [read post]
14 Oct 2015, 3:30 am by Immigration Prof
Bureaucratic Experimentation and Immigration Law by Joseph Benjamin Landau, Fordham University School of Law September 30, 2015 Duke Law Journal, Vol. 65, 2016, Forthcoming Abstract: In debates about presidential authority and policy innovation, scholars have focused on two overarching relationships... [read post]
30 Aug 2017, 7:14 am by J. Michael Goodson Law Library
The Duke University community now has access to Oxford Bibliographies in International Law, a peer-reviewed, encyclopedic collection of annotated bibliographies on international law topics. [read post]
17 Jan 2011, 3:18 pm by Dean Gonsowski
”  I recently read the recent Duke Law Journal article “Sanction for E-Discovery Violations: By the Numbers. [read post]