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30 Mar 2008, 10:24 am
But I'll bet it was proffered by someone who had just walked out of an undergraduate micro class... or read something of Gary Becker's.) [read post]
Its past presidents includes Nobel Laureates James Heckman (2007), Clive Granger (2003), Oliver Williamson (2000), Gary Becker (1997), Milton Friedman (1985), James Buchanan (1984), Kenneth Arrow (1981) and Douglass North (1976). [read post]
11 Jul 2008, 4:23 am
“Recession has always been a factor raising divorce rates," explains University of Chicago Business School economist Gary Becker. [read post]
22 Sep 2008, 3:17 pm free polls UPDATE: Thoughts from Gary Becker. [read post]
10 Jan 2011, 7:39 am
The court reasons as follows: In crafting a punishment that will most adequately deter similar conduct by other individuals in the future, the Court is influenced by the writings of Nobel Prize winning economist Gary Becker. [read post]
7 Apr 2011, 6:21 am by Josh Wright
There are essays focusing on: Ronald Coase, Aaron Director, George Stigler, Armen Alchian, Harold Demsetz, Benjamin Klein, James Buchanan, Gordon Tullock, Henry Manne, Richard Posner, Gary Becker, William Landes, Richard Epstein, Guido Calabresi, Frank Easterbrook, Daniel Fischel, Steven Shavell and A. [read post]
18 Nov 2008, 8:34 am
Auto Industry Bailout: "Jeff Sachs is Pro and Gary Becker is Con. [read post]
23 Apr 2008, 9:28 am
The Federal Trade Commission has announced its First Annual Microeconomics Conference Gary Becker on why the airlines are so bad Quantifying the Colbert Bump (HT: Tyler Cowen) [read post]
15 Jan 2009, 6:54 am
From a local news account:Mayor Gary Becker has been arrested on multiple felony charges related to attempted sexual assault of a child and having child pornography, according to a state agency.Becker was taken into custody at Brookfield Square Mall in Brookfield on Tuesday afternoon. [read post]
24 Mar 2009, 12:20 am
It helped bring SLR cameras into the mainstreamNassim Taleb talks about the financial crisis with Russ Roberts.Rwanda's development strategy.Richard Posner and Gary Becker on Internet matchmaking.The Small Living Journal.The perfect plan, poorly executed, will fail. [read post]
22 Sep 2008, 2:09 am
I have resisted commenting in detail about the wisdom of the federal government's massive bailout of various financial institutions because most of the issues involved are far outside my area of... [read post]
2 Jan 2007, 6:03 am
(Bruce MacEwen) Creating Passionate Users (Kathy Sierra) How to Save the World (Dave Pollard) Neil Gaiman's Journal (Neil Gaiman) Danny Gregory OHS Canada Passion, People and Principles (David Maister) Settle It Now Negotiation Blog (Victoria Pynchon) The Becker-Posner Blog (Gary Becker and Richard Posner) The Patry Copyright Blog (William Patry) University of Toronto Law School Faculty Blog [read post]
12 Sep 2008, 6:36 am
Finally, on The Becker-Posner Blog, Gary Becker and Judge Richard Posner have a healthy debate on whether competition between businesses or the law is more effective at fighting discrimination. [read post]
9 Oct 2007, 7:08 pm
Of course, people like Gary Becker might view such sentiments as merely the product of "simple jealousy and envy," and intellectuals' "remove[] from the real world. [read post]
29 Mar 2010, 5:34 am by Kashmir Hill
[Associated Press] * Florida attorney Gary Dorst had a blast this weekend. [read post]
19 Jun 2008, 2:05 am
”   The proposal indicates that Eric Posner is the sole law school member of the MFI faculty committee, along with Lars Peter Hansen, Gary Becker, John Cochrane, James Heckman, Robert Lucas, and Kevin Murphy. [read post]
12 Aug 2007, 9:10 am
Even though divorce rates are declining over all, as far back as 1977 the economist Gary Becker showed that couples experiencing any unexpected, drastic rise in net worth are at risk of divorce. [read post]
11 Jan 2013, 1:56 pm by Dan Gauss
”  That’s the opinion of Nobel-prize-winning economist Gary Becker, a senior fellow at the conservative Hoover Institute. [read post]
23 Jan 2010, 8:01 am by Kim Krawiec
Gary Becker, who won the Nobel in 1992, says that Posner and others raised fair critiques of Chicago economics. [read post]
24 Jun 2009, 9:40 pm
Gary Becker's Contributions to Law and Economics John F. [read post]