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10 Oct 2007, 4:26 pm
"I recently saw an interesting paper by Gary Rosin titled Benchmarking the Bar: No Unity in Difference Scores that seems to provide a race-neutral argument against the standard. [read post]
16 Apr 2012, 7:38 am by Chris
Even after an exploration and comparison to other schools, in order for continued diversity in the legal profession, South Texas College of Law Professor Gary Rosin has written, “If the ABA is serious about increasing the diversity of the legal profession, especially in increasing the number Black/African American lawyers, it needs Historically Black Law Schools (”HBLS”). [read post]
6 Nov 2014, 5:00 am by Gary Rosin
But then, that has been the branch of Standard 316 that TSU has had to rely on in the past. posted by Gary Rosin [read post]
28 Feb 2014, 12:31 pm by Gary Rosin
George Washington, which had the largest percentage of law-school funded positions, went from a reported employment rate of 80% to an adjusted rate of 60%, falling in the rankings from 14th to tied for 75th. by Gary Rosin   [read post]
24 Aug 2011, 1:45 pm by grosin
  That said, the existence of an arbitration clause may be a material fact that might allow the restaurant to “avoid” its implied ratification, if it did not know of the clause. posted by Gary Rosin [read post]
16 Mar 2011, 8:43 am by grosin
University of Kentucky College of Law Phone: (859)257-4050 FAX: (859)323-1061 posted by Gary Rosin [read post]
3 Mar 2014, 6:36 am by Gary Rosin
George Washington, which had the largest percentage of law-school funded positions, went from a reported employment rate of 80% to an adjusted rate of 60%, falling in the rankings from 14th to tied for 75th. by Gary Rosin Update on rounding: Some commenters are confused about the data on law-school funded positions. [read post]
6 Sep 2011, 6:08 am by Larry Ribstein
Gary Rosin, commenting on the paper, states his position more succinctly, quoting Springsteen: “When you’re alone you’re alone. [read post]
1 Aug 2007, 11:47 am
But the wide range in MBE cut scores and “equating” practices (which convert essay and MPT scores to the same scale and distribution as the MBE) has been aptly described by Gary Rosin (South Texas Law) as “federalism run amok. [read post]
2 Feb 2009, 4:00 am
  Second, excellent treatments already have been published by law professor bloggers Larry Ribstein (here) and Gary Rosin (here). [read post]
28 Apr 2019, 9:27 am by Gary Rosin
Another sixteen law schools reported Ultimate Bar passage percentages below 75% for either 2015 graduates, or 2016 graduates, but not for both: ABA-Approved Law Schoolswith Ultimate Bar Passage Percentages Below 75%for either 2015 or 2016 Graduates, Only (with 2015 to 2016 Changes) School Name UBar 2015 UBar 2016 Change AMERICAN UNIVERSITY 74.94% 83.33% 8.39% APPALACHIAN SCHOOL OF LAW 78.33% 69.77% -8.56% AVE MARIA SCHOOL OF LAW 75.90% 73.33% -2.57% DAYTON,… [read post]