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1 Sep 2013, 7:33 pm by Brian Leiter
I'm also in the process of inviting some other guest-bloggers for the... [read post]
6 Jan 2015, 9:56 am by Stephen R. Miller
Land Use Prof Blog is excited to welcome Jesse Richardson (WVU Law) as our January (and maybe into February, seeing as we are getting started a little late) guest blogger. [read post]
10 Oct 2016, 4:52 am by Brian Leiter
I'm very happy to report that the always popular and insightful Darlene Deas and Christopher Pynes will be returning as guest bloggers this week, starting on Wednesday, October 12 and continuing for about a week. [read post]
4 May 2014, 10:00 pm by Katharine Van Tassel
HealthLawProf Blog is very pleased to welcome the first of our three guest bloggers for the month of May, Professor Thomas (Tim) Greany: Professor Greaney is Chester A. [read post]
2 Apr 2014, 6:07 am by Katharine Van Tassel
HealthLawProf Blog is excited to welcome the third of our three guest bloggers for April, Professor Mary Crossley: Mary Crossley is a Professor of Law at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, where she teaches courses on Bioethics, Health... [read post]
4 May 2014, 11:00 pm by Katharine Van Tassel
HealthLawProf Blog extends a warm welcome to the second of our three guest bloggers for May, Professor Jonathan Todres: Jonathan Todres is Associate Professor of Law at Georgia State University College of Law. [read post]
11 Nov 2014, 6:05 am by Katharine Van Tassel
HealthLawProf Blog is very pleased to welcome our fourth guest blogger for the month of November, Professor of Law Maya Manian. [read post]
6 May 2016, 6:30 am by Anne Tucker
With this post I warmly welcome John Linarelli to the Business Law Professor Blog as a guest blogger for the month of May. [read post]
10 May 2014, 6:03 am by Katharine Van Tassel
HealthLawProf Blog is very pleased to welcome the fourth and final of our guest bloggers for the month of May, Professor John V. [read post]
3 Jun 2013, 2:00 am by HealthLawProf Hodnicki
HealthLawProf Blog is honored to introduce Professor Jessie Hill, BA 1992 (Brown), JD 1999 (Harvard), as our guest blogger for the month of June. [read post]
4 Dec 2014, 10:30 am by Katharine Van Tassel
HealthLawProf Blog is very pleased to welcome our first guest blogger for the month of December, Professor of Law Rebecca Dresser. [read post]
8 Aug 2010, 3:38 pm by Evidence ProfBlogger
Ben Trachtenberg, a Visiting Associate Professor of Law at the University of Missouri School of Law, will be joining EvidenceProf Blog as a guest blogger starting tomorrow. [read post]
4 Feb 2014, 5:45 pm by Katharine Van Tassel
HealthLawProf Blog extends a warm welcome to our third, and final, guest blogger for the month of February, Professor Sharona Hoffman. [read post]
31 Oct 2010, 3:28 pm by Dave Hoffman
I’m delighted to welcome back Jonathan Lipson as a guest blogger. [read post]
16 Dec 2009, 11:19 am by Christine Hurt
Trey Drury, former Glom Junior Scholar Workshop participant and now professor at Loyola University New Orleans College of Law, has agreed to join us mid-week as a special holiday guest blogger! [read post]
31 Jan 2009, 4:01 pm
Joining Legal History Blog for the month of February is a new guest blogger, Emily Kadens. [read post]
1 Nov 2021, 9:38 am by Bruce E. Boyden
He is a sailor in the United States Naval … Continue reading "Welcome to Our November Guest Blogger! [read post]
21 Nov 2010, 9:57 pm by Dan Filler
  She is also a blogger at Feminist Law Professors. [read post]
6 Jan 2020, 2:36 pm by Bruce E. Boyden
Our student guest blogger for January is 1L Robert Ernest. [read post]