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24 Jun 2010, 9:22 am by Justin Walsh
In re Discipline of King King was found to have violated the RPC by, among other things, representing a client while suspended. 8 of 10 counts were proved. [read post]
15 May 2024, 1:28 pm by Mitch Stoltz
Oracle decision about software re-use, it would have said so. [read post]
26 Sep 2011, 2:14 pm by Christine Hurt
What hit me this viewing is that probably the catchiest song is one you're not supposed to agree with:  Hakuna Matata. [read post]
23 Jun 2007, 3:01 am
Podcasters Across BordersKingston, June 23, 2007Context is King: Re-examining Conventional Wisdom for an Unconventional Mediaby Arthur Mastersnarrowcasting: pulling a file from a site rather than broadcasting; this is what allows for podcastinga lot of podcasts talk about creating a podcast, so listening to podcasts primes you for creating a podcast. [read post]
26 Sep 2011, 3:59 pm
Mark's-on-the-Mesa in Albuquerque left the Diocese of Rio Grande to found the Anglican Church of Christ the King. [read post]
15 Jan 2025, 11:45 pm
.▫️Her special guest will be Dale DeGroff, a renowned American bartender and author affectionately known as “King Cocktail. [read post]
28 Feb 2019, 10:00 pm
This is not Burger King’s only crack at McDonald's: last December, Burger King offered its Whoppers for a penny if customers ordered through the Burger King app from a McDonald’s parking lot. [read post]
14 Jan 2007, 11:38 pm
My hope today, as every year, is that everyone will re-aquaint themselves with the extraordinary words of wisdom, vision and passion of Martin Luther King, Jr. [read post]
19 Jan 2020, 9:05 pm by Stephen Bilkis
  In the matter of In re Martinico, the objectants petitioned the Surrogate’s Court of Kings County, objecting to the will being probated for multiple reasons, including improper execution. [read post]
24 Jun 2013, 7:09 am by Nathan Dorn
  In retrospect it seems unfair to criticize a re-telling of the Robin Hood legend for historical inaccuracy, since Robin Hood probably never existed. [read post]