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31 May 2021, 10:15 am
If you’re in search for something spooky, look no more. [read post]
22 May 2007, 12:10 pm
Of course, you're watching.1. [read post]
13 Jun 2022, 8:52 am by Tom Smith
I like to talk.lemoine [edited]: I’m generally assuming that you would like more people at Google to know that you’re sentient. [read post]
28 Apr 2010, 11:07 am by Michelle Leder
And, since most people aren’t likely to do that, they’re left with the extensive bio that Owens Corning does provide on Blake: Norman P. [read post]
14 Dec 2009, 5:21 pm
We predict Blake Thompson is about to become the most popular associate in San Francisco. [read post]
13 May 2016, 12:00 am by Gordon Firemark
” Well, Blake, you can agree to give this guy credit, if he is bringing enough value, but you’re right to wonder what could happen if a network feels it’s unwarranted. [read post]
5 Nov 2017, 4:18 am by SHG
” This reminded Blake Feldman of what Bronx Defenders founder Robin Steinberg told him when he was an intern. [read post]
26 Aug 2010, 12:30 pm
"When you're drunk and you're being stabbed by someone at 4 a.m. within an inch of your life, it's pretty understandable he can't remember the details," he said. [read post]
10 Nov 2009, 2:46 am by Salmonella Lawyer
The Blakely, Georgia peanut processing plant was the focal point of a nationwide salmonella outbreak earlier this year. [read post]
10 Jun 2024, 11:53 am
People who say that... it’s scary that they really don’t know the law or what they’re talking about.'"Writes Aaron Blake, in "GOP overwhelmingly supports a Trump conspiracy theory, yet again/There remains no evidence that Biden was behind the Manhattan prosecution of the former president, but 80 percent of Republicans say otherwise" (WaPo). [read post]
30 Jun 2016, 1:48 pm
Today's DJ features Jimmy Azadian and Kyser Blakely in Supreme Court Round-up about the final decisions of OT2015, i.e., Whole Woman's Health, Fisher, Taylor, etc.Also on the front page is a big photo of 4/1's Justice Aaron re: 4th District Panel Reverses Two Murder Convictions.Note also that PJ Gilbert will be this week's guest on the Champions of Justice radio show (e.g., KABC 790, Sat. at 11 a.m. and Sun. at 10 p.m.) [read post]
3 May 2021, 8:43 am by Bill
 In the meanwhile, I am inclined to spend part of the summer re-reading Roth. [read post]
23 Apr 2022, 7:50 am
. 'What you’re seeing is people feeling like it’s time to head for the lifeboats rather than trying to steer the ship,' said Robert Gibbs, a former White House press secretary who worked under Barack Obama.... [read post]
2 Oct 2009, 3:00 am
If $12 million is not sufficient to satisfy all claims, Kellogg and King Nut, the two largest re-manufacturers, will need to pay the balance," added Marler. [read post]
13 Jun 2012, 11:28 am by
May 31, 2012) (memorandum opinion re: class certification) (available here). [read post]