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5 Nov 2008, 9:53 am
“A couple who told social workers they had the right to smack their adopted son have won the right to a re-hearing in a bid to adopt his sister, aged two. [read post]
10 Aug 2009, 7:26 pm
Thompson was re-tried and acquitted. [read post]
1 Oct 2010, 5:44 pm
And reader Hugh Donohue notes that Rowe has a TED talk on the subject. [read post]
28 Jul 2024, 11:23 am
As federal finances implode under their own weight, we have a front row seat to the show, offering good perspective on where we’re going.First, here’s the current situation: the US is running $2+ trillion annual deficits. [read post]
6 Nov 2008, 6:05 pm
Need something to do while you're eating lunch on Friday? [read post]
25 Feb 2025, 4:27 am
Related posts: MIT Ombuds Annual Report; Job Posting; Mary Rowe, MIT Ombuds, to Retire; MIT Adds an Experienced Ombuds; MIT Bestows Highest Staff Honor on Ombuds; MIT Adds an Experienced Ombuds; Inter-American Development Bank Names Ombuds. [read post]
13 Oct 2010, 10:15 am
Think Survivor’s Jeff Probst or Dirty Jobs’ Mike Rowe, but with a background in American history. [read post]
10 Aug 2021, 7:47 am
My point instead was that the next generation of farm machinery might not look anything like what we’re used to. [read post]
1 Feb 2010, 9:55 am
We’re getting our upper-arm exercise elsewhere now, and so should you.2. [read post]
18 Jan 2009, 3:50 am
Bail hostel project sparks secrecy rowA secrecy row has broken out over the refusal by ministers to reveal the addresses of 175 bail hostels which have opened in residential neighbourhoods.Suspects on bail and prisoners freed early from jail are housed in the properties - usually rented houses - run by the private company ClearSprings, which is not required to consult with the local council or neighbours before opening a new hostel.Jack Straw, the Justice Secretary, has released a list of… [read post]
31 May 2016, 1:44 am
The Connecticut State Supreme Court has upheld the abolishment of the death penalty, including for death-row inmates in the re-examination of the case of State v. [read post]
14 Aug 2012, 3:00 am
So, you’re facing litigation and you need help from an outside provider to “get your ducks in a row” to understand how much data you have, how many documents have hits on key terms and estimate the costs to process, review and produce the data so that you’re in the best position to negotiate appropriate terms at the Rule 26(f) conference (aka, meet and confer). [read post]
21 May 2010, 8:52 am
Five have already been executed this year, and thus far two are scheduled for 2011.Pfeifer, a Republican who’s running unopposed for re-election, believes all death row cases should be reviewed to see which ones warrant execution and which ones should be commuted to life in prison without parole.When he helped resurrect Ohio’s death row law back in 1981 as a state senator, Pfeifer included a life without parole option but the Ohio House refused to go… [read post]
25 Jul 2018, 8:11 am
They're delicious. [read post]
6 Nov 2012, 7:55 am
We'll also try to demo different gear for different weather, especially for right now when the we...ather is changing day by day.Machinery Row will be offering a 15% off winter gear & accessories & also Planet Bike provided a bunch of gear including lights, gloves, & toe covers, so you're almost guaranteed a door/raffle prize just for showing up! [read post]
24 Mar 2015, 7:57 am
For the second year in a row, State and Federal Communications is sending a team to the American Copy Editors Society (ACES) annual conference. [read post]
1 Jun 2010, 8:31 am
"Should all death row inmates be there? [read post]
13 Aug 2008, 3:05 pm
" As Riles speaks, you're almost able to read his mind -- by not understanding it. [read post]
18 Oct 2024, 9:14 am
They’re few and far between. [read post]
13 Apr 2009, 2:56 pm
But if they are specific in their request, then I know that I have to have my ducks in a row because they know exactly what they're doing.Craig makes a great point, if you simply say "all metadata", you're asking for a bunch of back and forth between the parties, and requests of the court before you finally get to an acceptable definition of what you're actually looking for, as opposed to simply knowing what you're looking… [read post]