Search for: "J.W. Verret" Results 121 - 126 of 126
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19 Mar 2008, 7:30 am
Business Yale University , Visiting Assistant Professor Fordham Florida Coastal UniversityAndrew Long, JD 2003 Willamette University, LLM 2005 Law New York University, Visiting Assistant Professor, University of LouisvilleGeorge Mason University Laura; Bradford, JD 1997 Stanford University, Visiting Assistant Professor George Mason University, Visiting Associate Professor George Washington University, Acting Assistant Professor New York University J.W. [read post]
24 Feb 2009, 8:10 am
Last week, on behalf of sixty corporate and securities law professors from thirty-eight law schools around the country,  I filed an amici curiae brief in the case of Lucian Bebchuk vs. [read post]
3 Jun 2008, 3:05 am
Verret, JD 2006 Harvard University, MA 2006 Harvard University Public Policy, Research Fellow Harvard University Chris Newman, JD 1999 University of Michigan, Research Fellow UCLA David Schleicher, JD 2004 Harvard niversity, MSc 2001 Economics London School of Economics, Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law Harvard University Georgetown UniversityMarty Lederman, JD? [read post]
2 Apr 2008, 11:47 am
Verret, JD 2006 Harvard University, MA 2006 Harvard University Public Policy, Research Fellow Harvard University Chris Newman, JD 1999 University of Michigan, Research Fellow UCLA David Schleicher, JD 2004 Harvard niversity, MSc 2001 Economics London School of Economics, Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law Harvard University Georgetown UniversityMarty Lederman, JD? [read post]