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2 Feb 2023, 4:35 pm by Eugene Volokh
The Militia Act of 1662 facilitated this disarmament, which escalated under the Catholic James II once he took the throne in 1685. [read post]
19 Jun 2007, 8:20 pm
Yet, immediately after the judge's ruling, Georgia's attorney general, Thurbert E. [read post]
3 Jan 2014, 1:17 pm by Nathan Dorn
  The large illuminated initial E is the first letter of the name Edwardus, or King Edward I (1239-1307), who confirmed Magna Carta in 1297. [read post]
14 Jun 2022, 2:29 pm by Randy E. Barnett
Buckley, The Once and Future King: The Rise of Crown Government in America (Encounter 2014) Brad Snyder, The House of Truth (Oxford 2017) (assigned ms) Stephen Garbaum, The New Commonwealth Model of Constitutionalism (Cambridge 2013) Laura Donohue, The Future of Foreign Intelligence (Chicago 2016) (assigned ms) 2014: Clark Neily, Terms of Engagement: How Our Courts Should Enforce the Constitution's Promise of Limited Government (Encounter 2013) Thomas Healy, The Great Dissent: How… [read post]
5 Jan 2007, 7:07 am
From: Lynne HendersonSent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 4:03 PMTo: velvel@mslaw.eduSubject:Thank you for your e-mail exchange with Dr. [read post]
25 Apr 2018, 5:11 am by Eugene Volokh
" Jean-Louis de Lolme, an author widely cited by 1780s American writers, likewise wrote in his chapter on "Liberty of the Press" that "[e]very subject in England has not only a right to present petitions, to the King, or the Houses of Parliament; but he has a right also to lay his complaints and observations before the Public, by the means of an open press. [read post]
25 Mar 2020, 10:41 am by John Elwood
My forecast last week that “we’ll be seeing opinions in some of th[e relisted cases] soon” turned out to be correct. [read post]
25 Oct 2008, 10:44 pm
., Seattle WA 98104 NEW LOCATIONS OF THE RED LIGHT CAMERAS North Seattle EB NW Market @ 15th NW* WB NW Market @ 15th NW * SB 15thNW @ NW 80th SB Stone Way @ NW 40th NB Aurora @ NW 85th EB NE 80th @ 5th NE EB NE 45th @ Union Bay Place (Five Corners) * WB NE 45th @ Union Bay Place (Five Corners) * NB NE 45th @ Union Bay Place (Five Corners) * Central Seattle SB 6th @ James* SB 5th @ Spring SB 1st @ Marion NB Broadway @ Olive (Ped) EB Olive @ Broadway (Ped) SB Broadway @ Pine*… [read post]
27 Apr 2018, 5:06 am by Eugene Volokh
Likewise, in his 1741 essay Liberty of the Press, Hume noted that "[w]e need not dread from [the liberty of the press] any such ill Consequences as followed from the Harangues of the popular Demagogues of Athens and Tribunes of Rome" because a "Man reads a Book or Pamphlet alone and coolly" rather than surrounded by a mob that may inflame him. [read post]
9 Oct 2020, 8:25 am by Jason Rantanen
Lemley, Erik Oliver, Kent Richardson, James Yoon, & Michael Costa, Patent Purchases and Litigation Outcomes, 2016 Patently-O Patent Law Journal 15 (Lemley.2016.PatentMarket) Bernard Chao and Amy Mapes, An Early Look at Mayo’s Impact on Personalized Medicine, 2016 Patently-O Patent Law Journal 10 (Chao.2016.PersonalizedMedicine) James E. [read post]
18 Feb 2011, 7:26 pm
  Comes in handy during Black History Month and the Martin Luther King Holiday. [read post]
8 Feb 2022, 5:32 am by Nathan Dorn
The book was published again in 1603 after James became King of England. [read post]
9 Jul 2013, 1:20 pm by Schachtman
Clapp, James Dahlgren, Devra Lee Davis, Malin Roy Dollinger, Brian G. [read post]
15 Oct 2007, 4:23 am
For example, check out this 1935 article about the then new incoming SEC Chairman James Landis. [read post]