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25 Jan 2011, 5:55 am
Apparently, Above the Law isn't above the lame. [read post]
8 May 2012, 4:57 pm
The law CPLR 3116 (a) imposes two requirements on making changes in form and substance to deposition testimonies. [read post]
17 Jan 2019, 11:09 pm
In her view, this is why the EU law solution was so neat. [read post]
25 Aug 2010, 7:15 am
” Deutch manufactures credibility by boasting that her tax resolution law firm, which has annual revenues of at least $25 million, is the largest of its kind in the nation. [read post]
8 Mar 2011, 1:35 pm
Attorneys for pop sensation Lady Gaga have sent a cease-and-desist letter to the Icecreamists, a London enterprise that has been doing a bang-up business selling ice cream that's made with breast milk and marketed under the name "Baby Gaga. [read post]
18 Nov 2010, 2:13 pm
A YouTuber has altered the tempo and pitch of the Lady Antebellum hit "Need You Now" and the Alan Parsons Project's "Eye In The Sky" to create a mashup suggesting the former ripped off the latter. [read post]
30 Nov 2011, 5:36 pm
Take a study break with an online exhibit and put the law into perspective. [read post]
13 Jan 2012, 1:55 pm
In Tennessee and all over the United States, most employees that work more than forty hours in a single work week, you are entitled by law to receive overtime pay even if you work for a celebrity. [read post]
24 Mar 2023, 6:07 am
“DISCO’s mission is to combine world-class engineering with a deep love and respect for the law to build products that make the law better. [read post]
16 Oct 2011, 6:07 pm
Ladies and Gentleman there is a new brand of law student on the horizon known as “The Devil’s Advocate. [read post]
29 May 2024, 4:00 am
Frye (Kentucky; Google Scholar), The Gray Lady’s Guide to Legal Education: For better or worse, the U.S. [read post]
24 Feb 2025, 1:12 pm
Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.The post DOJ Demands Safe Space After Mean Judge Lady Made Them Sad With All Those Hard Questions appeared first on Above the Law. [read post]
22 Sep 2010, 1:18 pm
You may have heard about Lady Gaga recently being permitted to take handcuffs through a checkpoint at LAX. [read post]
8 Mar 2011, 7:14 am
News]Earlier: A Trademark Law Hypothetical for Intellectual Property Attorneys [read post]
11 Mar 2021, 6:46 am
“How Blind Should Lady Justice Be? [read post]
24 Feb 2016, 4:34 am
Maybe, however, the law needs to be rewritten to account for the ubiquitous power of social media. [read post]
7 Mar 2012, 6:20 am
Woman and Lady both work as law enforcement officers in Florida. [read post]
11 Jun 2012, 10:03 am
I discussed this at my talk "How to Market Your Law Practice Like Lady Gaga" at the Missouri Bar last week. [read post]
22 Jun 2012, 11:27 am
Ask yourself: are you treating your law practice like a business? [read post]
8 Aug 2014, 10:16 am
The Law Lady. [read post]