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15 Mar 2011, 5:08 pm by Colin O'Keefe
- New York attorney Joseph Monteleone of Tressler on the firm's blog, The D&O E&O Monitor Sher v. [read post]
26 Feb 2010, 4:10 pm by Aviva Cuyler
Featured Document: Unfair Insurance Practices Act Can Give Rise To Private Cause Cameron Totten, a California lawyer specializing in consumer bankruptcy, foreclosure defense, mortgage lender liability and general civil litigation.Featured Document: Plaintiff v. [read post]
17 Apr 2020, 3:54 pm
  To take but one example:  In describing and distinguishing the Supreme Court's arguably controlling 1995 opinion, which allowed the employee to sue (albeit with reduced damages), Judge Wardlaw describes the case in the following manner:"But McKennon was a case in which the defendant conceded it had unlawfully discriminated against the plaintiff on the basis of age and was attempting to use after-acquired evidence of wrongdoing to assert that the plaintiff would… [read post]
9 Mar 2011, 10:52 pm by Scott Koller
Scott Koller, CIPP, of McKennon Schindler wrote in the Privacy Advisor, the decision in Pineda v. [read post]
9 Mar 2011, 10:52 pm by M. Scott Koller
Scott Koller, CIPP, of McKennon Schindler wrote in the Privacy Advisor, the decision in Pineda v. [read post]