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19 Jul 2019, 3:26 am by Edith Roberts
” Andrew Cohen writes at the Brennan Center for Justice that, to Stevens’ “everlasting credit, his ability to recognize his errors and seek to rectify them became one of his many strengths. [read post]
4 Aug 2016, 2:57 am by Amy Howe
  I covered the dispute for my own blog, with other coverage coming from Mark Walsh at Education Week, Caitlin Emma and Josh Gerstein at Politico, Moriah Balingit of The Washington Post, Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal, Adam Liptak of The New York Times, and Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News. [read post]
5 Oct 2011, 9:37 am by Bill
Brennan, UB’s associate vice president for communications. [read post]
4 Jul 2018, 3:28 pm by Sabrina I. Pacifici
” Members heard testimony from former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency John Brennan and former Director of the National Security Agency Mike Rogers, which informed the Committee’s report. [read post]
25 Feb 2025, 6:36 am by Marcia Coyle
The Alliance Defending Freedom and the Brennan Center for Religious Liberty, acutely aware of the court’s sympathetic conservative majority, have been successful in presenting and arguing the free exercise issues in a number of recent cases. [read post]
8 Aug 2012, 8:32 am by Rick Hasen
Legal Talk Network podcast: The Impact of Voter ID Laws and Voter Purges Before 2006, not a single US state required voters to show identification before marking a ballot. [read post]
15 Jun 2011, 8:59 am by Cicely Wilson
Last Friday marked the release by the Commission of the first round of draft maps outlining these new districts. [read post]
15 Aug 2007, 6:00 am
Thanks to attorney David Weslow at Sutherland Asbill & Brennan for providing information for this blog post [read post]
1 Mar 2018, 11:48 am by HL Chronicle of Data Protection
The speakers include Michelle Kisloff, Mark Brennan, Adam Cooke, and Alicia Paller. [read post]
7 Dec 2011, 11:06 am by Kim Zetter
Poorly calibrated optical-scan readers can also be a problem if they read stray marks or smudges on a ballot as an actual vote. [read post]
11 Jun 2008, 4:51 pm
Jon Stewart Ines Rosales Greg Hepkin Andrea Day Anderson Cooper Charles Gibson Bob Schieffer Mark Steines Katy Tur Katie Snow Diane Sawyer Rick Sanchez Patricia Del Rio Maria Bartiromo Emily Francis John Muller Cynthia Bowers Brian Williams Steve Salvatore Stephen Colbert Hazel Sanchez Dave Carlin Deborah Norville Terry Moran Sue Simmons Charlie Rose Juju Chang Bill O’Reilly Joel McHale Kathie Lee Gifford Arnold Diaz … [read post]
9 Jan 2017, 1:09 pm by Dan Goodin
Among the 10 people targeted in the conspiracy were Brennan; then-Deputy FBI Director Mark Giuliano; National Intelligence Director James R. [read post]
8 Nov 2010, 10:57 am by Roshonda Scipio
: straddling Islamic law and U.S. justice / Mark E. [read post]
28 Jun 2017, 3:59 am by Edith Roberts
National Collegiate Athletic Association, comes from David Purdum and Ryan Rodenberg at ESPN, Lawrence Hurley at Reuters, Greg Stohr at Bloomberg, Mark Sherman at the Associated Press, and John Brennan at [read post]
5 Jul 2011, 6:28 am by Tom Parker
” Indeed, Brennan’s whole speech was reminiscent of those heady days in January 2009 when it really seemed that an Obama administration would mark a genuine break with the Bush years and would restore an element of sanity and legality to US counterterrorism policies. [read post]
6 Jul 2021, 8:04 am by Ciara Torres-Spelliscy
The year 2021 marked the 151st anniversary of the 15th Amendment to the Constitution, which makes racial discrimination in voting unconstitutional. [read post]
25 Jan 2007, 4:01 pm
Mark Gottlieb's rogue treatment of Duke students before the lacrosse case even emerged. [read post]
30 Nov 2011, 12:41 am
 Mark Anderson has excelled himself again on IP Draughts with this piece entitled "10 words and phrases you should never use in IP contracts".-- though Merpel suspects that readers of this blog might have one or two more which they'd like to add to Mark's list. [read post]