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23 Jan 2015, 3:57 am
As such, the Galápagos would likely be at the bottom of any list of locales that would be expected to give rise to a trade mark matter. [read post]
10 Oct 2021, 8:42 pm
Twain claimed he hadn’t heard anything at all about the matter from House until after he had given Abby Sage Richardson permission to dramatize the book. [read post]
26 Dec 2018, 5:31 am
Indeed, it's unproven whether fingerprints are unique, but pretty clear that some partial prints - which is what examiners are usually matching - may not be unique enough to differentiate.If and when scientists prove ballistics markings aren't unique - or for that matter, partial fingerprints - will the court still be as bold? [read post]
13 Dec 2023, 4:36 am
[T]he marks are similar, with Defendant’s mark appropriating the entirety of Plaintiff's mark and adding the descriptive, disclaimed term VEGAN to distinguish them. [read post]
9 Dec 2022, 11:11 am
Moreover, if the shared element of the two marks is “weak” in that it is generic, descriptive, or highly suggestive of the goods or services identified in the application or registration, then other matter in the marks may be sufficient to obviate confusion. [read post]
2 Sep 2022, 7:07 am
This matters 1) where the trade mark owner also owns a Community design, and 2) where the trade mark owner is the sole manufacturer of the original part. [read post]
5 Apr 2013, 12:49 pm
Spyros Maniatis ((Queen Mary) then gave a blow-by-blow account of the CJEU ruling on bad faith in Case C-529/07 Lindt. and the General Court decision in Case T-136/11 Pelikan, which dealt with the making of repeat applications for almost-the-same marks. [read post]
16 Jun 2015, 9:35 pm
Case T‑395/14 Best-Lock (Europe) Ltd v OHIM, Lego Juris A/S is another of those intellectual property cases that hits the headlines on account of its subject matter rather than because of its intrinsic legal interest -- though it is by no means lacking in legal interest. [read post]
11 Jun 2015, 3:22 pm
Map of Rock Island Commentary: Tires popping on the road is a very serious matter, and this driver is lucky that he wasn’t too badly injured. [read post]
16 Jun 2014, 10:19 am
There ain't nuthin' rigged here. [read post]
Landmark Polish Supreme Court ruling on EU trade mark: acquiescence vs national rules of limitation?
1 Jul 2021, 8:44 am
On 18 May 2021, the Polish Supreme Court issued a much awaited ruling to resolve doubts concerning the national limitation period of non-pecuniary claims in trademark matters. [read post]
12 Apr 2019, 1:43 pm
Can also alter the mark over time—font, etc.How much should registration matter in determining substantive rights? [read post]
5 Feb 2006, 11:40 am
Mark Steyn on sensitivity and the Muhammad cartoon controversy, here. [read post]
3 Jun 2024, 3:09 am
Employers Certainly Cannot Interfere with Employees’ Rights Including: Prohibiting employees from wearing union buttons, t-shirts, and other union insignia unless special circumstances warrant. [read post]
3 Jun 2024, 3:09 am
Employers Certainly Cannot Interfere with Employees’ Rights Including: Prohibiting employees from wearing union buttons, t-shirts, and other union insignia unless special circumstances warrant. [read post]
7 Aug 2013, 6:00 am
So why doesn’t the lack of vowels matter or somehow make the marks distinguishable? [read post]
29 Sep 2014, 5:49 am
The Second Circuit has rejected the doctrine as a matter of federal law. [read post]
4 Sep 2014, 10:34 am
LEMLEY: "I think Alice is a real sea change on the patentable subject matter issue. [read post]
11 Oct 2011, 7:50 pm
Buy the sofa, then for a couple years you’re satisfied that no matter what goes wrong, at least you’ve got your sofa issue handled. [read post]
13 Apr 2022, 7:48 am
The House contended that President Trump had waived executive privilege, but OLC opined: “[T]he question whether an adviser need comply with a subpoena ... is different from the question whether the adviser’s testimony would itself address privileged matters. [read post]