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27 Apr 2012, 9:04 am
Enns, Heather Gerken, Ned Foley, Rick Hasen, Steven F. [read post]
27 Apr 2012, 9:04 am
Enns, Heather Gerken, Ned Foley, Rick Hasen, Steven F. [read post]
5 Jan 2022, 9:55 am
A bipartisan group of scholars -- Ned Foley, Mike McConnell, Rick Pildes, and Brad Smith -- published an op-ed laying out a good framework for reform. [read post]
20 Jan 2011, 8:35 am
And we get to benefit. [read post]
22 Oct 2008, 11:12 pm
Here at Moritz. [read post]
3 Oct 2022, 9:43 pm
The conversation, with host Adel Aali, is available on Apple, Spotify, Google, or at this link. [read post]
15 Jan 2014, 5:30 pm
Ned Ryerson and the Myth of Unethical Insurance Salespeople – White Plains lawyer Steven Young of Wilson Elser on the firm’s Professional Liability Blog Clark the Cub vs. [read post]
4 Nov 2008, 2:15 pm
The most likely form that this will take this year is a fight over provisional ballots, absentee ballots, military ballots, and residual votes, as my colleague Ned Foley suggests in this post. [read post]
20 Jun 2007, 2:03 am
Let me describe two shaming strategies, both of which have just been proposed for a conference that I am organizing on the "here to there" question for the Tobin Project's Institutions of Democracy Working Group.The first is a proposal by Ned Foley of Ohio State's Moritz College of Law. [read post]
27 Jun 2022, 7:05 am
You can read it here. [read post]
5 Oct 2020, 9:05 am
Ned Foley, a constitutional election scholar from the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, has written extensively about such scenarios. [read post]
30 Jan 2011, 3:05 pm
As OSU’s Ned Foley explains here, this decision is likely “the most significant application of Bush v. [read post]
14 Mar 2019, 4:07 am
” At Medium, Ned Foley looks at this term’s partisan-gerrymandering cases, Rucho v. [read post]
25 Oct 2010, 9:42 am
But as Professor Ned Foley noted at this Friday’s Privacy, Democracy & Elections conference sponsored by the William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal, paper is the least trustworthy option: election officials and poll workers have difficulty counting accurately and paper ballots bring a long history of tampering and corruption. [read post]
1 Sep 2022, 12:00 pm
Ned Foley and Ilya Somin have already discussed this a bit as to foot voting, and I suspect that our teams may also diverge on to what extent the federal government should play a greater role in supervising the states in election administration; we caution against this at several points. [read post]
6 May 2008, 11:28 am
I'd rather have Ned Foley serve as a judge on his amicus court than non-expert, politically important people like James Baker or Jimmy Carter. [read post]
3 Oct 2017, 11:06 am
But it lurked in the background: Professor Ned Foley has mentioned it, and it's been looming ever since the Court accepted the case leaving open the question of jurisdiction. [read post]
5 May 2008, 8:35 am
Another example is Ned Foley's proposal to create an "amicus court," a private panel of experts that would issue nonbinding decision in election disputes and submit them to existing courts in the form of amicus briefs. [read post]
19 Apr 2010, 9:30 am
”Ned Lamont, a Democrat who led Malloy 28 percent to 18 percent in a recent Quinnipiac poll, also would not have vetoed the death penalty ban, according to spokeswoman Justine Sessions. [read post]
22 Jul 2022, 12:22 pm
In a recent post at the Election Law blog, prominent election law and constitutional law scholars Ned Foley, Michael McConnell, Derek Muller, Rick Pildes, and Brad Smith, summarize the bill's strengths and urge Congress to swiftly pass it: Here are the main features of the draft, which are a vast improvement on the existing Act from 1887. [read post]