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1 Apr 2008, 12:38 pm
After our first English guest Nick Holmes called John the "leading UK family law blogger," we decided to track him down for an interview. [read post]
10 Jan 2011, 3:23 pm by Gene Quinn
After Dickinson was Nick Godici, a career employee of the USPTO who rose from the ranks of an examiner to assume the top job. [read post]
27 Dec 2010, 3:50 pm by Jeff Gamso
 That would be a far greater and more fitting legacy to Henry Pearson, Courtney Stewart, Nick Adenhart, and Jonathan Wilhite. [read post]
22 May 2008, 2:22 pm
Joyce Beatty (OH)Ivan Holmes (OK)Jim Frasier (OK)Jay Parmley (OK)Meredith Woods-Smith (OR)Frank Dixon (OR)Jenny Greenleaf (OR)Wayne Kinney (OR)Gail Rasmussen (OR)Hon. [read post]
31 Dec 2019, 2:56 pm
Methods of Persuasion: How to Use Psychology to Influence Human Behavior by Nick Kolenda (2013)69. [read post]
17 May 2013, 2:07 am by Kevin LaCroix
Nick Paumgarten explained this seeming paradox in a February 23, 2013 New Yorker article entitled “The Hangover” (here):   It is often hard to perceive an economic crisis. [read post]
15 Jun 2023, 2:41 am by Seán Binder
Holmes Lybrand and Jack Forrest report for CNN. [read post]
7 Feb 2008, 11:44 am
Recent LexBlog Q & A posts: Nick Holmes, legal publishing consultant with infolaw and author of Binary Law [2.5.08] David Maister, law firm practice consultant [2.4.08] Steve Matthews, search engine optimization specialist and founder of Stem Legal [2.1.08] Tom Goldstein, partner at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld and founder of SCOTUSblog [1.30.08] Rick Klau, former VP of publisher services at FeedBurner and current member of Google's content… [read post]
6 Feb 2008, 10:36 am
Recent LexBlog Q & A posts: Nick Holmes, legal publishing consultant with infolaw and author of Binary Law [2.5.08] David Maister, law firm practice consultant [2.4.08] Steve Matthews, search engine optimization specialist and founder of Stem Legal [2.1.08] Tom Goldstein, partner at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld and founder of SCOTUSblog [1.30.08] Rick Klau, former VP of publisher services at FeedBurner and current member of Google's content… [read post]
24 Aug 2008, 1:17 pm
Nick Holmes, founder of infolaw, author of the Binary Law blog and fellow enthusiast for the net as a medium of expression and publishing - has started up an idea called The Free Legal web. [read post]
30 Sep 2012, 8:42 am by Mill Eric
[Editor’s Note: For topic-related VoxPopuLII posts please see, among others: Nick Holmes, Accessible Law; Matt Baca & Olin Parker, Collaborative, Open Democracy with LexPop; and John Sheridan, [read post]
13 Feb 2008, 11:31 am
Recent LexBlog Q & A posts: Susannah Gardner, author of Buzz Marketing with Blogs for Dummies [2.11.08] Doug Berman, professor at Ohio State University and author of Sentencing Law & Policy Blog [2.8.08] Toby Bloomberg, Internet marketing specialist and author of the Diva Marketing Blog [2.6.08] Nick Holmes, legal publishing consultant with infolaw and author of Binary Law [2.5.08] David Maister, law firm practice consultant [2.4.08]Or, see our… [read post]
15 Dec 2011, 8:24 pm by legalinformatics
Holmes, Ball State University: Negotiating ‘Best Interest:’ The Voice of the Advocate in the Foster Care System. [read post]
17 Dec 2007, 10:30 am
" Nick Holmes at Binary Law: "Blogging, and Web 2.0 in general, is not about publisher A or B selecting and promoting what is best; it is about all the Xs and Ys contributing to the conversation in their field of interest and the Zs voting with their mice. [read post]
12 Jun 2011, 7:26 am by Charon QC
As Nick Holmes wrote on The Free Legal Web: “BAILII is fundamental to free access to UK law. [read post]
18 May 2012, 9:58 am
 The current (May/June) Internet Newsletter for Lawyers carries a neat piece by co-editor Nick Holmes entitled "Keeping up with IP law", which lists some twenty IP-flavoured intellectual property law blogs. [read post]