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28 Apr 2022, 8:30 am
This post was prepared for a roundtable on Reforming the Supreme Court of the United States, convened as part of LevinsonFest 2022—a year-long series gathering scholars from diverse disciplines and viewpoints to reflect on Sandy Levinson’s influential work in constitutional law. [read post]
28 Apr 2022, 7:30 am
Ashley Moran and Richard Albert We are thrilled to share short papers resulting from the first roundtable discussion convened as part of LevinsonFest 2022—a year-long series bringing together scholars from diverse disciplines and viewpoints to reflect on Sanford “Sandy” Levinson’s influential work in constitutional law. [read post]
21 Apr 2022, 7:30 am
Lobbying and Petitioning – Responses to Levinson Sandy Levinson brings his forceful acumen and his ever youthful, unbridled intellectual curiosity to the subject of petitioning. [read post]
20 Apr 2022, 7:30 am
Levinson’s intriguing gestures to issue entrepreneurship and to lobbying can in part be understood as a call for greater awareness of agenda politics in modern democratic republics. [read post]
20 Jan 2022, 6:00 am
Sandy Levinson: An Essential Book: Linda Colley,on the origins of written constitutionalism.5. [read post]
18 Jan 2022, 8:00 am
As Sandy Levinson puts it, a rising constitutional zeitgeist was already well in existence by the 1780s. [read post]
5 Jan 2022, 6:30 am
Over a decade ago, in a more innocent time, Sandy Levinson and I developed a definition and typology of constitutional crises. [read post]
24 Nov 2021, 6:30 am
Sandy Levinson reminds us that Mark Graber has ar [read post]
10 Nov 2021, 8:55 am
It features contributions by Sandy Levinson, Leslie Friedman Goldstein, Julie Novkov, Mark Graber, John Compton, and me. [read post]
10 Nov 2021, 6:00 am
.), Amanda Frost (American), Mark Graber (Maryland), Sandy Levinson (Texas), Rogers Smith (Penn), Maureen Sweeney (Maryland), and Robert Tsai (B.U.)..At the conclusion, Carol and Julie will respond to the commentators. [read post]
8 Jul 2021, 6:00 am
Second, my thanks to Jack Balkin and to the participants in this symposium: Jack Rakove, Sandy Levinson, Franita Tolson, Ned Foley, and Jesse Wegman. [read post]
1 Jul 2021, 6:30 am
” As Sandy Levinson and others also note, I departed from the prevailing tendency to focus on the federal level and emphasized, instead, the state and local arenas, where jurisdiction over questions of individual status and rights largely resided. [read post]
29 Jun 2021, 6:30 am
Jack Balkin and Sandy Levinson, for example, refer to the antebellum materials discussed in Kate Masur’s wonderful new book, “Until Justice Be Done: America’s First Civil Rights Movement, From the Revolution to Reconstruction,” which describes state-level civil rights efforts led by black Americans in the decades prior to the Civil War (for which Balkinization hosted an on-line symposium just prior to mine). [read post]
17 Jun 2021, 9:30 pm
The commentators are Christopher Green (Mississippi), Sandy Levinson (Texas), Gerard Magliocca (Indiana), Jennifer Mascot (George Mason), Darrell Miller (Duke), Richard Primus (Michigan), Bradley Rebeiro (BYU), Lee Strang (Toledo), Lea Vandervelde (Iowa), and Jack Balkin (Yale). [read post]
17 Jun 2021, 6:30 am
In 1998, when Sandy Levinson and I wrote about the constitutional canon, we identified three basic kinds of canons. [read post]
16 Jun 2021, 6:00 am
This week at Balkinization we are hosting a symposium on Kurt Lash's new two volume collection, The Reconstruction Amendments: The Essential Documents (University of Chicago Press, 2021)(2 vols.).We have assembled a terrific group of commentators, including Christopher Green (Mississippi), Sandy Levinson (Texas), Gerard Magliocca (Indiana), Jennifer Mascot (George Mason), Darrell Miller (Duke), Richard Primus (Michigan), Bradley Rebeiro (BYU), Lee Strang (Toledo),… [read post]
17 May 2021, 5:11 pm
“Senator Manchin, Justice Breyer, and the Madisonian Delusion”: Sandy Levinson has this post at the “Balkinization” blog. [read post]
6 May 2021, 4:00 am
Leading scholars of law, history, literature, and religion will discuss how distinct traditions have identified, sanctified, and interpreted their foundational texts.Convened by Nathan Perl-Rosenthal (USC) and Jonathan Gienapp (Stanford University), the event will feature Sandy Levinson (University of Texas, Austin), Intisar Rabb (Harvard Law School), Rohit De (Yale University), and Deidre Lynch (Harvard University). [read post]
5 May 2021, 3:30 am
This is the concern animating Leah Litman’s powerful and passionate recent article – a contribution to a symposium on Jack Balkin and Sandy Levinson’s book, Democracy and Dysfunction. [read post]
15 Apr 2021, 1:30 pm
Sandy Levinson, JFK and the President as the “Decider”.4. [read post]