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11 Sep 2009, 8:59 am
Regular readers of Dorf on Law know that Sherry Colb, Mike Dorf, and I each write columns every other week on FindLaw. [read post]
14 Oct 2008, 6:58 pm
Sherry Colb at Findlaw has the details:Four federal Circuits (the Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, and Tenth) have adopted varying versions of a doctrine known as 'consent once [read post]
14 May 2007, 10:41 am
Over at FindLaw, Sherry Colb chimes in with some observations I agree with. [read post]
12 Aug 2007, 3:08 am
Sherry Colb recommends Elyn Saks' new book, The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness in a must-read post on Dorf on Law. [read post]
15 Oct 2008, 12:44 pm
In commentary available online from FindLaw: Sherry F. [read post]
8 Jul 2010, 12:20 pm by David
David Cassuto Interesting colloquy over at Dorf on Law between Melanie Joy (author of Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows:  An Introduction to Carnism) and Professor Sherry Colb. [read post]
2 Dec 2021, 10:55 am by Howard Bashman
” Law professor Sherry Colb has this essay online at The New York Daily News. [read post]
8 Aug 2008, 1:24 pm
In commentary available online from FindLaw: Sherry F. [read post]
6 Feb 2007, 12:55 pm
Both of today's new FindLaw columns are worth a read from SCOTUS and sentencing fans: Sherry Colb has this essay entitled "Texas Man Receives A Life Sentence for the Murder of his Unborn Twins: When Feticide is a Capital Crime. [read post]
6 Feb 2007, 4:40 am
In commentary online today at FindLaw: Sherry F. [read post]
29 Sep 2009, 11:00 pm
By Sherry Colb My FindLaw column this week discusses the case of a man who sued the District of Columbia for issuing a warrant for his arrest without probable cause. [read post]
20 Aug 2009, 4:00 am
[Note from Mike Dorf: The following post by Sherry Colb went up virtually simultaneously with Neil Buchanan's post yesterday morning due to a scheduling mix-up on my part. [read post]
8 Feb 2010, 3:30 pm
On Thursdays, Mike Dorf and Sherry Colb will (on alternate weeks) discuss their newest FindLaw pieces. [read post]
2 Apr 2008, 5:16 am
Sherry Colb has this essay online at FindLaw, titled "Lethal Injection and Animal Euthanasia: A Fair Comparison? [read post]
31 Aug 2009, 6:57 am
  Here are some commentaries from the last few weeks that ought to interest sentencing fans: From Sherry Colb here, "Supreme Court Considers Constitutionality of Juvenile Life Without Parole" From Steve Sheppard here, " Sharon Keller, Troy Davis, and the Duty of a Death Case Judge" From Michael Dorf here, "Did the Supreme Court Recognize an Innocent Person's Right Not to Be Executed? [read post]