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23 May 2011, 2:20 am by Kelly
(Spicy IP) DIPP releases discussion paper on utility models (Spicy IP) Israel The USTR’s rite of Spring – Special 301 Report (America-Israel Patent Law) Mexico Forged alcohol beverages receive more than a hangover (IP tango) Netherlands Human rights trump design rights – District Court of The Hague lifts ex parte injunction against artist in Nadja Plesner v Louis Vuitton (IPKat) (Class 99) District Court of The Hague invalidates Fritsch’s patent relating to an… [read post]
25 Jan 2007, 12:48 am
United States, 17 F.3d 890, 901 (6th Cir. 1994); Albrecht v. [read post]
21 Mar 2021, 5:10 pm by INFORRM
United States U.S. far-right and white supremacist groups stepped up their distribution of racist or anti-Semitic fliers, posters banners and other forms of physical propaganda last year, according to a study. [read post]
17 Sep 2018, 2:27 am by INFORRM
United States The BBC reports that a judge in Washington DC has dismissed a libel claim against Christopher Steel, the former British intelligence agent who compiled the dossier alleging links between Donald Trump and the Kremlin. [read post]
27 Jan 2019, 4:19 pm by INFORRM
United States On 22 January 2019 the US Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take up an appeal in Hassell v. [read post]
3 Jun 2022, 7:11 am by Eugene Volokh
" She sues 73 named defendants, who are citizens of Canada, Britain, and the United States. [read post]
24 Jun 2011, 3:25 pm by Christa Culver
The Permanent Mission of India to the United NationsDocket: 10-627Issue(s): 1) Whether, in determining whether Congress authorized the Secretary of State ("Secretary") to preempt traditional state taxing powers by designating certain exemptions from state and local property tax laws under The Foreign Missions Act, 22 U.S.C. [read post]
6 Jun 2012, 5:27 am by David Oscar Markus
Commenting on the implications of criminal ESI production, the court in United States v. [read post]
20 Jan 2019, 4:05 pm by INFORRM
United States In the case of Fridman and ors v Bean LLC and Glenn Simpson (Case 17-20141 [pdf]) a Federal judge has refused a motion by the defendant to dismiss libel proceedings brought over over the Memoranda in the “Trump Dossier”. [read post]
15 Aug 2016, 7:05 am
Although it seemed that the audience was united in approval of the principle of that decision, there was plenty for discussion in the detail of precisely what was ordered, why, how and who was to pay for it.What is the role of EU law? [read post]
16 Jun 2024, 8:56 pm by Béligh Elbalti
Background (based on the outline provided by the DSC’s decisions)  X (appellant) obtained a judgment in the United States against Y (appellee), which then sought to enforce it in Canada (Ontario) via a motion for summary judgment. [read post]
1 Dec 2010, 3:06 am by Laurie Briggs
The “rest of the story” (in the words of the late Paul Harvey) is that Pepsi is giving away millions of dollars this year to fund charities of all persuasions across the United States. [read post]
3 Mar 2012, 7:32 am by Angelo A. Paparelli
United States, 260 U.S. 178, 190 (1922) (finding that Japanese immigrant was not eligible for naturalization); United States v. [read post]
15 Mar 2020, 5:36 pm by INFORRM
United States The Atlantic had a piece “The True Danger of the Trump Campaign’s Defamation Lawsuits”. [read post]
21 Aug 2019, 1:09 pm by Dan Ernst
Civil WarKalyani Ramnath, Harvard University ( in a Storm: Law and Displacement in Postwar South AsiaEvan Taparata, University of Pennsylvania ( of Refuge: Refugee Law and the Modern United StatesAdnan Zulfiqar, Rutgers Law School ( Duties in Islamic Law: The Moral Community, State Authority, and Ethical Speculation in the late 9th to the 14th… [read post]
8 Dec 2011, 9:00 am by Michael F. Smith
Briggs (1986) in denying the officers qualified immunity, and whether Malley and United States v. [read post]