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28 Feb 2010, 11:56 pm
In 2002, the federal government paid Alli $1,500 to use his photo as the basis for a 37-cent postage stamp. [read post]
1 Sep 2012, 5:50 pm
" Dabney Carr (Troutman Sanders), Summary Judgment Awarded in First EDVA Trademark Decision Since Rosetta Stone (May 15, 2012): "The [Wag’N Enters., LLC v. [read post]
9 Feb 2010, 5:32 am
Feedback: SEC's Settlement with BofA Below is some feedback on my recent blog regarding the SEC's settlement with Bank of America from Brink Dickerson of Troutman Sanders: Interesting settlement between BOA and the SEC, but I think that it reflects some worrisome practices by the SEC: - The concept of "effectiveness," which is the standard that the SEC proposes for the auditor attestation report, is not directly applicable to disclosure controls. [read post]
19 Feb 2014, 4:17 am
Brink Dickerson of Troutman Sanders also noted that he is a bit surprised that more companies are not including conflict minerals risk factors. [read post]
7 May 2013, 3:23 am
Such servitudes certainly affect people in their use of the property, but perhaps they provide an insufficient current benefit to landholders for us to say that the servitude touches and concerns the land. [read post]
23 Apr 2010, 7:38 am
Troutman Elects New Managing Partner, Delegates Some Roles Held by Chairman Fulton County Daily Report As part of its succession planning, Troutman Sanders has announced leadership changes that include electing a new firmwide managing partner, Stephen E. [read post]
22 Aug 2017, 9:07 am
In addition, we have a number of candidates who have completed their coursework and who will be actively working with us to finish their final article requirement for graduation in December. [read post]
20 Dec 2022, 3:19 am
He is CIPP/US, CIPP/E, and CIPT certified. [read post]
25 Sep 2020, 3:02 am
This opinion is of interest because isolating director factions or underperforming directors through the use of special committees is one avenue that companies use to minimize those directors’ activities when they can’t otherwise be removed and won’t resign – but as this case emphasizes, director information rights must be honored. [read post]
9 May 2007, 1:28 am
ALM Privacy Policy / Contact Us
© 2007 ALM Properties, Inc. [read post]
18 Apr 2009, 11:06 am
Troutman Sanders tried to go the shameful stealth route, but Janet knows how to subtract. [read post]
26 Nov 2006, 8:24 am
"The Many Roles of the Intellectual Property Lawyer", Mary Anthony Merchant, PhD, Partner Troutman Sanders LLP6. [read post]
5 Oct 2010, 4:33 pm
- Arlington lawyer Heidi Meinzer of Bean Kinney & Korman on the firm's Virginia Real Estate, Land Use & Construction Law blog West Oakland Contemplating Expanded Eminent Domain Powers to Aid Redevelopment - Irvine lawyer Rick Rayl of Nossaman on the firm's California Eminent Domain Report In Bad Times, Employees Are Pressed to Return to Work Sooner - Texas lawyer Tom Crane on his San Antonio Employment Law Blog The Federal Bar Association… [read post]
20 Jun 2014, 3:23 am
Governments often opt for an administrative solution when it is not feasible for every victim to use civil suits to litigate their claims. [read post]
11 Jun 2012, 6:50 am
The debtors are being represented in the new case by Mark Collins, Christopher Samis and Marisa Terranova at the Delaware law firm of Richards Layton & Finger, and Jeffrey Kelley and Ezra Cohan at the Atlanta office of Troutman Sanders. [read post]
3 Jan 2018, 6:00 am
One filed in September 2017 accused the song of being an infringement of Roger Troutman and Zapp’s More Bounce to the Ounce and another in 2016 accused the song of being “indistinguishable” from the Collage song Young Girls. [read post]
21 Jul 2019, 3:34 pm
Jim Bollinger (Troutman Sanders) is handling the petition and was also trial and appellate counsel. [read post]
6 Jun 2011, 4:54 pm
Another proponent of these measures, Jena Troutman, explained that they do not want their circumcision bans to allow exemptions for religious circumcisions. [read post]
8 Oct 2018, 4:28 pm
Privacy concerns also involve how data is used and to what kinds of controls the persons whose rights are affected have over the data. [read post]
26 Aug 2016, 4:26 am
@schoolofrockcle #sorcle @thirdmanrecordsofficial @thirdmanrecordscasscorridor #jackwhite #thewhitestripes #whitestripes #thedeadweather @thekills @amosshart A video posted by Jon Hyman (@jonhyman) on Aug 21, 2016 at 6:07pm PDT Here’s what I read this week: Discrimination Medical Marijuana Use: a New Cause of Action for Discrimination? [read post]