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13 Jul 2021, 12:00 am by D Daniel Sokol
On Distributive Justice by Antitrust: The Robin Hood Cartel Maarten Pieter Schinkel University of Amsterdam - Department of Economics; Tinbergen Institute Abstract Inequality concerns in antitrust may justify redistribution agreements: allowing market power that leads to a fairer wealth allocation.... [read post]
31 Mar 2015, 12:00 pm by Gerry W. Beyer
Robin Williams’ widow Susan Schneider and his children are entangled in a legal battle over the comedian’s personal items he kept in the house where he committed suicide last August. [read post]
30 Jun 2015, 4:58 am by Ruthann Robson
Over at his eponymous blog, CUNY-Brooklyn Political Science professor Corey Robin has an interesting take on the controversial passage from Justice Thomas's dissent in Obergefell criticizing the "dignity" rationale of Kennedy's opinion for the Court by stating in part that... [read post]
13 May 2013, 9:45 am by JA Hodnicki
Sacher, Federal Trade Commission counsel on Avoiding the 'Robin Hood Syndrome' in Developing Antitrust Jurisdictions. [read post]
25 Aug 2014, 5:33 am by Jeremy Telman
A few weeks ago, we noted that University of Illinois' Robin Kar's new article, Contract as Empowerment: A New Theory of Contract was available on SSRN. [read post]
18 Jul 2012, 1:14 pm by Green
Professor Robin Kundis Craig, of the University of Utah’s S.J. [read post]
20 Mar 2015, 10:00 am by Gerry W. Beyer
Following Robin Williams’s tragic death, a quarrelsome court battle over his estate exploded between his widow and his three children from two previous marriages. [read post]
24 Nov 2016, 12:00 pm by Gerry W. Beyer
Robin Williams’ estate plan was fairly solid, but what fancy footwork did his lawyers have to do over the years to keep it from failing? [read post]
2 Jan 2011, 8:34 pm by Reproductive Rights
Shreveport Times: Shreveport reproductive rights activist dies, by Melody Brumble: Friends will remember Robin Rothrock as passionate champion of women's reproductive rights and an evocative artist. [read post]
13 Nov 2014, 12:00 pm by Gerry W. Beyer
The late Robin Williams left behind an estate valued at $50 million to his three children, with his wife Susan Schneider cared for under the terms of a prenuptial agreement. [read post]
5 Jun 2011, 10:57 pm by Michael Atkins
Tiffany’s iconic robin’s egg blue (top) — and Burberry’s new purse Robin’s egg blue. [read post]
28 May 2021, 5:45 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
ROBIN WALL KIMMERER Robin Wall Kimmerer is a mother, scientist, decorated professor, and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. [read post]
3 Jun 2015, 4:00 am by Gerry W. Beyer
The ongoing feud between the children of Robin Williams and his widow continues after a probate judge granted two more months for a settlement to be reached concerning personal artifacts of the actor. [read post]
7 Dec 2023, 9:58 pm by Simon Gibbs
The latest twist in the long running saga of AB v Secretary of State for Justice [2023] EWHC 72 (KB) (and X v The Transcription Agency LLP & Anor [2023] EWHC 1092 (KB)) is that AB/X, who previously benefited from an anonymity order, has been revealed as high profile solicitor advocate Robin Makin, of Liverpool … Liverpool solicitor Robin Makin named as ‘AB/X’ in anonymity case Read More » [read post]
22 Mar 2018, 2:15 am by Press Releases
Robins Kaplan LLP® announced that Steven Carlson has joined the firm’s Intellectual Property and Technology Litigation Group as partner. [read post]