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13 Sep 2021, 10:35 am by Christiana Wayne
CISA's mission includes protecting the Federal Government's networks and physical infrastructure, to helping entities in the public and private sectors manage potential risk, to enhancing public safety communications at all levels of government. [read post]
7 Nov 2011, 5:01 pm by SOIssues
In the city of Lackawanna, level 3 registered sex offenders or any registered offender over the age of 17 convicted of an offense (including statutory rape) upon a child age 16 or under is forbidden from living within 2,000 feet of any school, park, playground, athletic field, or day care center. [read post]
3 Jul 2008, 4:46 pm
7-3-2008 National:The other day, I had a discussion of the politics of fear with Doug Thomas (USC), Carrie James (Harvard), and Larry Johnson (The New Media Consortium) as part of a gathering of MacArthur foundation grantees working on their Youth and Digital Learning Initiative. [read post]
4 Nov 2013, 5:15 pm by Jeffrey Tignor
Violence Reduction One of the aims of Abby’s team is to re-orient Memphis’s city government to deliver services more effectively at the neighborhood level. [read post]
14 Jul 2010, 10:09 am by Carter Ruml
  KYEstates traffic is at all-time record levels – the Kyl-Lincoln Amendment is clearly significant for the T&E community. [read post]
14 Jun 2019, 1:57 pm by Rebecca Tushnet
Works as messages: communications from the living. [read post]
29 Mar 2013, 12:15 pm by Rebecca Tushnet
This makes sense in music, where one sheet of music may result in 3 different performances by 3 different performers. [read post]
21 May 2010, 12:05 pm by Steven Titch
Where the National Broadband Plan was eloquent, the FCC’s “third-way” proposal of Title I re-classification and yesterday’s wireless competition report were equally as clumsy. [read post]
9 Jul 2021, 7:03 am by Monica Williamson
The Indian Law Office Director will: (1) Oversee the overall operation of the Indian Law Office (2) Supervise 2-3 Indian Law Office attorneys (3) Represent individual Native American clients and Tribes. [read post]
29 Oct 2009, 4:14 pm
A fourth program reduced re-arrest rates but had higher re-incarceration rates; while the fifth program did not reduce either re-arrest or re-incarceration rates. [read post]
19 Jul 2012, 11:36 pm by Joe Sanders
There are approximately 3,000 sex offenders on licence in the community. [read post]
23 Jul 2008, 8:33 pm by Daniel Brown
"Yes, there are criminal acts that take place in other neighbourhoods but they don't represent the same level of risk to the broader community. [read post]
22 Feb 2009, 4:25 pm
 PropLaw I: An appellate court's finding that a lower court had discretion in determining a juvenile's registration tier level under Senate Bill 10 requires the reversal and remanding of the lower court's decision, when the lower court expressly held that no such discretion existed. [read post]
12 Feb 2015, 8:08 am by Dave Maass
In addition to the potential legal issues these practices may raise, the policies also pose problems for Facebook, which, as of February 3, has processed 512 “deactivation requests” from South Carolina corrections officers since 2012. [read post]