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30 Dec 2020, 2:19 pm by Bruce Zagaris
Supreme Court decision holding that plaintiffs suing a foreign government under the statutory exception for state-sponsored terrorism can seek punitive damages for terrorism. [read post]
30 Dec 2020, 2:19 pm by Bruce Zagaris
Supreme Court decision holding that plaintiffs suing a foreign government under the statutory exception for state-sponsored terrorism can seek punitive damages for terrorism. [read post]
21 Jan 2020, 9:17 am by Hannah Kris
Event Announcements (More details on the Events Calendar) Tuesday, Jan. 21, 10:00 a.m.: The Brookings Institution will hold a book event for “Unmaking the Presidency” by Lawfare’s Susan Hennessey and Benjamin Wittes. [read post]
14 Aug 2018, 7:25 am
More likely the state will do what elites do everywhere--they ignore these engagements and to the extent possible undermine their authors. [read post]
30 Jun 2022, 3:50 am by Kyle Hulehan
Recent research by economists Javier Garcia-Bernardo, Petr Janský, and Gabriel Zucman shows the driving force behind a reduction in the share of profits that U.S. companies book abroad was repatriations of IP.[10] As trends continue to develop, U.S. policymakers should study them to understand how the TCJA reforms affect the taxes paid by U.S. multinationals, the destination for U.S. outbound investment, and the location of IP. [read post]
12 Aug 2008, 2:00 pm
Oliveira Ardor New York Senior Broker Associate 2 Gina Berger Lower East End Realty Brokerage - Commercial / Investment Sales 2 Ariel Toledano ant propeties inc Brokerage - Residential 3 Michael Xylas Xylas & Ziccardi, LLP Real Estate Attorney 3 Tracy Mehlman Marcus and Millichap Brokerage - Residential 3 David Hale 50 State Building Advisors Executive Vice President 3 Venecia DeSilva investor 2 John Choi … [read post]