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1 Dec 2006, 2:33 am
He's been good while he's been on bond and therefore shouldn't get prison time. [read post]
30 Aug 2013, 4:00 am
The American Center for Law and Justice issued a statement yesterday welcoming the State Department's re-engagement on Abedini's case. [read post]
8 May 2011, 5:52 pm
Original Article 05/08/2011 By John Diaz The "three strikes and you're out" law passed in the aftermath of the awful 1993 kidnapping and murder of 12-year-old Polly Klaas was advertised as a way to keep violent predators in prison. [read post]
25 Sep 2023, 3:15 pm
That's What He Said: He insists the prison rape joke had no sexual intent. [read post]
20 May 2011, 4:29 pm
" — was to be released from prison in... [[ This is a content summary only. [read post]
6 Aug 2010, 4:15 pm
[penis enlargement] They’re coming back now. [read post]
19 May 2016, 8:00 am
While this weekly acknowledgement might mean little to those unfamiliar with the term “re-entry,” it meant everything to ex-offenders that are trying to re-enter the world after serving their prison terms. [read post]
21 Jan 2007, 9:32 am
While you're there, I'd encourage you to sign a petition endorsing higher pay for Texas prison guards and staff. [read post]
22 Nov 2011, 12:31 pm
The State chose not to re-try Mr. [read post]
14 Apr 2011, 5:04 am
You’re getting a visit from the Chair of the Human Rights Cmte of the German Parliament, yeah the twelfth in line for Chancellor himself. [read post]
12 Apr 2010, 4:30 am
“You know,” said OldRuin, “sometimes I look at what we do and think we’re no better than the prisoner’s in Plato’s cave. [read post]
16 Feb 2009, 10:48 am
No prison time? [read post]
26 Mar 2010, 10:45 am
Let's say you're an illegal alien. [read post]
28 Jun 2011, 1:07 pm
North Carolina and other states would do well to re-evaluate their habitual offender laws with an eye toward implementing more effective ways to deter crime without the high social price tag that has plagued our system for so long. [read post]
31 Oct 2014, 1:58 pm
You're the exception to the rule. [read post]
10 Dec 2008, 3:54 am
I don't have to tell you that you're better off dealing with the Crips and Bloods than with a pissed off Rahm. [read post]
9 Feb 2009, 4:06 am
Statistically, those that leave prison without a job are twice as likely to re-offend as those with employment lined up; therefore it seems blindingly obvious where the government should be putting its money if it is serious about rehabilitating offenders. [read post]
17 Feb 2023, 1:27 pm
A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here. [read post]
31 Aug 2015, 9:07 pm
Yes, you’re right. [read post]
22 Feb 2014, 7:57 pm
Ruster pled guilty to willful misbranding and adulteration of food products and was sentenced to 14 to 48 months in prison plus fines and court costs. [read post]