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4 Apr 2011, 7:02 am by Rebecca Tushnet
KEYNOTE Introduced by Michael Carroll, Professor of Law and Director, Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property, American University Washington College of Law Justin Hughes, Senior Advisor to the Undersecretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property, Head of United States Delegation to the World Intellectual Property Organization, and Professor of Law at Yeshiva University Cardozo School of Law In Geneva, working on GRTKF: Genetic resources, traditional knowledge, and… [read post]
31 May 2009, 11:17 pm
Liu Guijin, China’s special envoy to Darfur, is currently in Doha meeting with representatives from Britain, France, Russia, United States and the European Union in a 5-day conference on how to deal with the situation in western Sudan. [read post]
28 Nov 2023, 5:56 am by Santiago Stocker
The only countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to experience a coup and then recover from military rule and achieve sustained democracy since 1991 are Liberia, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, and Gambia – all of which met these three conditions. [read post]
31 May 2009, 8:18 pm
Liu Guijin, China’s special envoy to Darfur, is currently in Doha meeting with representatives from Britain, France, Russia, United States and the European Union in a 5-day conference on how to deal with the situation in western Sudan. [read post]
4 Nov 2024, 6:39 am by Marty Lederman
In an article here back in July, I explained why Judge Cannon is wrong and why the Supreme Court was correct to hold in United States v. [read post]
21 Aug 2023, 6:05 am by Patryk I. Labuda
Last month, the International Center for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression (ICPA) against Ukraine opened its doors in The Hague. [read post]
10 Oct 2024, 6:31 pm
 Pix Credit here I am delighted to circulate a rough discussion draft I have prepared in anticipation of its first presentation at a conference organized by the remarkable Martin Belov, Professor in Constitutional and Comparative Constitutional Law at the University of Sofia ‘St. [read post]
23 Sep 2022, 6:15 am by Astrid Reisinger Coracini
The understanding of aggression, the collective act underlying the crime, has remained virtually unchanged in GA Resolution 3314 and Article 8bis(2) of the ICC Statute since it was first introduced by a Soviet diplomat in 1933 and was found to reflect customary law by the International Court of Justice (Nicaragua v. [read post]
6 Nov 2011, 1:19 am by sevach
Por ejemplo, si se decreta la anulación de una licencia de apertura definitiva se concede una licencia provisional; si se anula un complemento específico ahora se retribuye a la misma persona como productividad; si se anula un pliego de contratación por una cláusula que favorece a un tercero, ahora se dicta un nuevo pliego con otra cláusula que sigue otorgándoselo al mismo; si se anula el nombramiento del interino acto seguido se le concede una beca… [read post]
3 Oct 2024, 12:17 am by JR Chaves
Ese fue el caso planteado en los procesos de estabilización del SERGAS, que llevaron a que los servicios prestados, por ejemplo, como facultativo en un hospital leonés por idéntico tiempo y categoría, se valorasen la mitad que los prestados en un hospital gallego. [read post]
9 Aug 2011, 11:00 am by sevach
Pero incluso en esos escenarios hubiera merecido la pena salir en defensa de los funcionarios, que son las víctimas y no los verdugos de los problemas que aquejan a la Administración. [read post]
31 Dec 2006, 9:06 pm
., Amber Taylor responds to her heckler by explaining how he also could get into Harvard.David Lat at Above the Law reports on the case of Steinbuch v. [read post]
12 Aug 2024, 7:00 am by Elies van Sliedregt
The ICC would then function as a substitute court, analogous to the Rwanda Tribunal or the Special Court for Sierra Leone, stepping into a legal void. [read post]
20 May 2022, 9:30 am by Elizabeth Whatcott
The use of targeted attacks against civilians, against hospitals, against maternity wards, train stations filled with people fleeing, deliberate use of sexual violence against the Ukrainian population as a way of creating, ah, of creating horrific scenes, the way that they’re attacking Ukrainian identity and culture – these are all things that are war crimes, that Putin is responsible for, these are all things that are crimes against humanity, and that’s why Canada was one of the… [read post]
19 Nov 2007, 7:55 am
The Coordinator met with Title V, Medicaid, the DD Council, ICC, state legislators and Iowa's congressional delegation, as well as representing our children with other parent, disability and child advocacy organizations. [read post]