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1 Jun 2011, 5:48 am by Badrinath Srinivasan
Some states have alleged that ICSID is biased, withdrawn from the ICSID Convention, and advocated creating alternative arbitration systems. [read post]
7 Apr 2024, 9:19 am
 The short summary I prepared fleshes out the themes I hope to cover: Regulatory governance is well within a process of transformation from a managerial system deeply embedded in the classical model of the rule-of-law state grounded in positive (or customary) law pronounced by an authoritative body clothed in the legislative power, to the world of the panopticon and the disciplines. [read post]
20 Nov 2018, 9:01 pm by Sherry F. Colb
As the US Supreme Court recognized in Miranda v. [read post]
23 Aug 2010, 3:35 am by Omar Ha-Redeye
Slave Routes points out, In the United States, the North America historian, Herbert Aptheker, has estimated that approximately 250 acts of sedition in all were organized by Afro-Americans to free themselves from slavery during the history of that “particular institution” in that country. [read post]
9 Apr 2010, 7:23 pm
Efficiency states that, discounting transaction costs, the ultimate distribution will be efficient. [read post]
12 Oct 2017, 4:22 pm by INFORRM
A person signing a DMCA notice must state a good faith belief that the use is not authorized, declare her authority to act under penalty of perjury, and risk damages for misrepresentation under section 512(f).[3] That source of protection has not technically disappeared, but its value is largely lost when notices are generated not by a person, but by a machine. [read post]
27 Apr 2010, 3:46 pm by Rick
My last post laid the foundations for a discussion of Orin Kerr’s latest law review article, “Applying the Fourth Amendment to the Internet: A General Approach” (2010) 62 Stan.L.Rev. 1005. [read post]
11 Jul 2018, 6:28 am by Kevin Kaufman
”[3] In South Carolina, “unprepared food that lawfully may be purchased with United States Department of Agriculture food coupons” is exempt from the state’s sales and use tax.[4] Meanwhile, other states categorize sales tax status based primarily on who the vendor is or where the food is consumed. [read post]
5 Jul 2023, 11:46 pm by David Pocklington
It will then treat the two (or more) people as a unit and treat the unit differently from how it would treat those same people individually. [read post]
26 Oct 2017, 7:38 am by Andrew Koppelman
  The new school of political economy that he created at the University of Virginia was “meant to train a new generation of thinkers to push back against Brown [v. [read post]
1 Jul 2010, 5:20 pm by carie
”On September 9th last year, Stevens engaged in a classic version of advocacy-by-interrogation during the argument of Citizens United v. [read post]
15 Mar 2010, 10:14 am by Hilde
”On September 9th last year, Stevens engaged in a classic version of advocacy-by-interrogation during the argument of Citizens United v. [read post]
3 Sep 2009, 9:07 pm
  Critically, it fails to answer why the crisis manifested itself in the housing market and (with a couple exceptions--UK/Ireland/Spain) only in the United States. [read post]
28 Jun 2023, 2:09 pm by INFORRM
They are merely the means by which the state seeks to control – regulate, if you like – the speech of end-users. [read post]