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10 Jun 2015, 8:55 am by Victoria Kwan
” The Washington Post covered Justice Scalia’s commencement address, while the Montgomery Community Media posted the full video at its YouTube account. [read post]
10 Nov 2023, 3:24 pm by Dennis Aftergut
Voters have consistently rebelled against the Supreme Court’s June 2022 Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. [read post]
7 Dec 2013, 8:47 am by Bill Marler
An Introduction to Norovirus The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that noroviruses cause nearly 21 million cases of acute gastroenteritis annually, making noroviruses the leading cause of gastroenteritis in adults in the United States. [5, 9, 13, 31]  According to a relatively recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine: The Norwalk agent was the first virus that was identified as causing gastroenteritis in humans, but recognition of its importance… [read post]
14 Oct 2017, 8:56 am by Bill Marler
 Other discoveries followed, with each strain name based on the location of its discovery—e.g., Montgomery County, Snow Mountain, Mexico, Hawaii, Parmatta, Taunton, and Toronto viruses. [read post]
31 Jan 2019, 7:43 pm by Jay Stafford
Several counties in the state maintain their own agencies tasked with handling discrimination claims, including Howard, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Frederick, and Baltimore. [read post]
20 Nov 2007, 7:02 am
Family Voices Coordinators participate in several groups within the state, including Title V/CSHCN, DD Council, Part C agency, CHIP board and parent and child advocacy organizations. [read post]
29 Aug 2015, 10:58 am by Drew Falkenstein
An Introduction to Norovirus The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that noroviruses cause nearly 21 million cases of acute gastroenteritis annually, making noroviruses the leading cause of gastroenteritis in adults in the United States. [5, 9, 13, 31]  According to a relatively recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine, The Norwalk agent was the first virus that was identified as causing gastroenteritis in humans, but recognition of its importance… [read post]
12 Mar 2021, 9:46 am by Bill Marler
Other discoveries followed, with each strain name based on the location of its discovery—e.g., Montgomery County, Snow Mountain, Mexico, Hawaii, Parmatta, Taunton, and Toronto viruses. [read post]
8 Dec 2015, 6:44 pm by Bill Marler
An Introduction to Norovirus The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that noroviruses cause nearly 21 million cases of acute gastroenteritis annually, making noroviruses the leading cause of gastroenteritis in adults in the United States. [5, 9, 13, 31]  According to a relatively recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine, The Norwalk agent was the first virus that was identified as causing gastroenteritis in humans, but recognition of its importance… [read post]
1 Aug 2010, 5:10 am by Daniel E. Cummins
This lack of a consistent common law on the issue leaves the bar and trial court judges with great uncertainty on the issue.The Initial PreferenceIt has been about five years since the automobile accident litigation landscape was changed by a 2005 state Supreme Court case, Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania v. [read post]