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16 Oct 2007, 4:06 am
Mark Dean Schwab v. [read post]
1 Jan 2019, 3:12 pm
(Pix CiberCuba Jan 1, 2019)Every religion connects the structures of divinity to the human communities around which their worship is structured and social, political, economic, and cultural communities are organized. [read post]
11 Mar 2021, 2:07 am
In this case, European patent application relates in particular to the modelling and the simulation of movements of a pedestrian in an environment. [read post]
28 Dec 2024, 5:53 pm
La asistencia judicial abarcará particularmente: a) localización e identificación de personas, de domicilio y otros elementos materiales; b) acopio de pruebas y obtención de declaraciones; c) la autorización de la presencia de personas del… [read post]
24 Dec 2017, 6:46 pm
Espero que ahora se den cuenta la catadura del Presidente PPK, bancariza toda su porquería pues mientras más visible esté menos sospecha despertarán, indulta a Fujimori apenas tres días después de salvarse de la vacancia ¿por qué? [read post]
16 May 2020, 3:39 pm
Alberto Huapaya OlivaresLa Constitución Política del Perú en su artículo 37° que dispone que la extradición “solo se concede por el Poder Ejecutivo previo informe de la Corte Suprema, en cumplimiento de la ley y de los tratados y según el principio de reciprocidad” y excluye los casos de persecución por motivos de religión, nacionalidad, opinión o raza, además de la clásica exclusión de los… [read post]
7 Sep 2011, 11:09 am
A denúncia narrou que entre os meses de janeiro e março de 2004, período que antecedeu as eleições municipais, o réu, com o auxílio de sua companheira e de sua enteada, teria utilizado da fundação “PMDB Mulher” para recrutar eleitoras mediante a promessa de fornecer gratuitamente a realização de cirurgias de laqueadura tubária. [read post]
18 Mar 2008, 4:16 pm
- I heard something else; at the foot of that cross, inside the thousands of churches across the city, I imagined the stories of ordinary black people merging with the stories of David and Goliath, Moses and Pharaoh, the Christians in the lion's den, Ezekiel's field of dry bones. [read post]
18 Mar 2008, 9:59 am
– I heard something else; at the foot of that cross, inside the thousands of churches across the city, I imagined the stories of ordinary black people merging with the stories of David and Goliath, Moses and Pharaoh, the Christians in the lion’s den, Ezekiel’s field of dry bones. [read post]
8 Oct 2010, 2:14 pm
Administrative LawKD4882 .P76 2010The regulatory enterprise : government, regulation, and legitimacy / Tony Prosser.Prosser, Tony.Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.AfricaHQ1798.5 .S89 2010Beyond women's empowerment in Africa : exploring dislocation and agency / Elinami Veraeli Swai.Swai, Elinami Veraeli.New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.Banks and BankingHG1811 .D38 2010Banking on the future : the fall and rise of central banking / Howard Davies, David Green.Davies, H. [read post]
23 Sep 2020, 1:55 am
Key Findings Implemented in 1991, Sweden’s carbon tax was one of the first in the world, second only to Finland’s carbon tax, which was implemented a year earlier. [read post]
21 Aug 2023, 6:05 am
For instance, Luis Moreno Ocampo, the former ICC Prosecutor, has critiqued the idea of a Ukraine-specific tribunal, which “promotes nothing short of selective justice,” while Christine van den Wyngaert, a former ICC judge, questions “whether the remedy [of a special tribunal] is worse than the disease [of aggression]” writing: Unlike the [ICTY], which had the support of the entire international community when it was set up, it is to be expected that support for the… [read post]
18 Aug 2013, 9:12 am
V. [read post]
30 Apr 2021, 6:45 pm
Pix Credit: Díaz-Canel: «Entre los revolucionarios, los comunistas vamos al frente» Perhaps there is no better encapsulation of the direction of the VIII Congress of the Cuban Communist Party than this extract from the Speech delivered by the newly minted First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party (who is not, for the first time either Fidel or Raúl Castro), Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.Este Congreso, con su amplio y crítico debate, defendiendo la… [read post]
1 Feb 2019, 10:51 am
(Pix © Larry Catá Backer; Tauluseinä Tavelväggen, Wall of Printings (1977); Nörrköping Art Museum Turku Findland))Every year for almost 25 years, the Corporate Practice Commentator (with great thanks to Robert Thompson (Georgetown)) announces the results of its annual poll to select the ten best corporate and securities articles. [read post]
31 Aug 2011, 10:27 am
In particular, because of the Supreme Court’s recent opinion in AT&T Mobility LLC v. [read post]
8 Sep 2016, 7:40 am
The Secretariat of the Norwegian Pension Fund Global has just circulated the decision, taken in April 2016 by the Norwegian Ethics Council, to recommend exclusion of Duke Energy Corp. [read post]
10 Feb 2021, 6:26 pm
The Cuban government announced, as is its habit now, through the show "Mesa Redonda", a set of potentially far ranging reforms of the non state sector and its regulation. [read post]
25 Jun 2016, 9:11 pm
Alberto Huapaya OlivaresIntroducciónEl Traslado de Personas Condenadas en una de las instituciones de la Cooperación Judicial Internacional que más hondo sentido humanitario tiene, porque permite al interno extranjero la posibilidad de lograr su resocialización a través de entorno social de origen.El derecho a una nueva oportunidad que puede aspirarse a través de la posibilidad de cumplir su condena en su propio país es lo que motiva a los Estados a… [read post]
25 Aug 2013, 8:29 am