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10 Nov 2009, 6:00 am
It's a plan that begins with one word thats on everybody's mind, and its easy to spell: J-O-B-S. [read post]
23 Dec 2013, 5:01 pm by oliver randl
See points [2.5] and [2(b)] of the reasons and the order, respectively. [read post]
1 Feb 2012, 7:26 am by laborprof lpb
Gráinne de Búrca, The Trajectories of European and American Antidiscrimination Law - Introduction to the Special Issue on Antidiscrimination Law in Europe and North America, p.... [read post]
1 Jun 2009, 9:27 am
This is daily column on Plagiarism Today where the site brings you three of the days biggest, most important copyright and plagiarism news links. [read post]
15 Jun 2022, 5:01 am by Eugene Volokh
This generally means that (1) A would rest on some justification J and (2) justification J would also justify B. [read post]
9 Aug 2008, 5:18 pm
In re Regevig, 389 B.R. 736 (Bkrtcy, Ariz, Haines J, June, 2008) Issue: May an Arizona debtor claim California exemptions, otherwise appropriate under Section 522(b)(3)(A)? [read post]