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27 Sep 2017, 4:25 pm by INFORRM
As the former Ofcom chief executive, Ed Richards, told the House of Lords back in 2014, regulatory interest can ‘nudge’ dominant players to modify behaviours. [read post]
4 Mar 2010, 8:57 am by Natasha Phillips
We also take a look at the Conservative Party's Green Paper on the Family and why Ed Balls' political profiteering has gone a step too far. [read post]
8 May 2015, 9:00 am by Tom Smith
Among the night’s casualties were a raft of senior Labour figures, including his shadow chancellor Ed Balls, defeated in Leeds. [read post]
22 Nov 2010, 10:04 am by Mark Herrmann
Ed. note: This is the latest installment of Inside Straight, Above the Law’s new column for in-house counsel.When I moved in-house ten months ago, my phone started to ring off the hook — and not just from folks I hadn’t spoken to in years, who thought that I’d now be itching to retain them. [read post]
2 Feb 2021, 4:12 pm by Michelle Ball, Attorney for Students
  Last month the lady in the lunch room told my son she hated special ed kids and put him at the end of the lunch line"  [much better]It is clear when reviewing the two versions of the same situation, that one is more convincing than the other, as it has specific facts and documents backing the claims attached. [read post]
28 Jul 2019, 11:00 pm
Just callin balls and strikes, yup. [read post]
18 Oct 2016, 3:03 am by Edward Smith
Innovative Prosthetic Surgery Innovative Prosthetic Surgery I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento amputation injury attorney. [read post]
4 May 2014, 4:40 am by SHG
But he doesn’t withdraw love because of dodge ball. [read post]
10 Mar 2011, 2:33 am
Ed Balls had been appointed City Minister the previous year. [read post]
4 Sep 2007, 3:53 am
Apparently, Education Secretary Ed Balls will announce today that all secondary schools must include compulsory lessons in ‘happiness, well-being and good manners'. [read post]
12 Apr 2011, 8:57 pm
Read more about this site.The for-profit ed industry often leaves students staring up at a mountain of debt, deep in a hole, and shackled to a ball and chain of debt that they can never pay off because their "school" was better at putting kids into loans than into gainful employment. [read post]
16 Aug 2013, 1:11 am
["see," or "see see," or "see see see see" - ed.]. [read post]
12 Nov 2010, 10:14 am by Marin
Ed. note: Have a question for next week? [read post]