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16 May 2011, 11:57 am by Glenn Reynolds
MY EARLIER POST ON RETIREES’ REAL ESTATE NIGHTMARES produced this email from reader Joe Johnson: Glenn, your recent posting about retirees seeing all their home equity disappear was spot on. [read post]
2 Mar 2009, 3:00 am by Elder Law Today
 One possibility is for Jim to buy the home at a price that he can afford but that may be below fair market value. [read post]
19 Oct 2010, 6:49 am by Mike
 This article indirectly explains why: “The average Joe Schmoe is paying the price financially while these CEOs get a slap on the wrist and a big check to retire. [read post]
8 Mar 2022, 7:27 am
"The announcement will complete a shift for the White House which just days ago expressed fear that an import ban would send gas prices skyrocketing. [read post]
9 Dec 2011, 8:31 am
FoIB Holly R sent me an article this morning that asks an intriguing question regarding that assumption: not about whether it's valid (it is), but what it will cost the employee once that happens.It's an excellent question, one which I had not previously seen addressed: how much is it likely to cost Joe Lunchbox to move from his employer's group health plan to one offered through the Exchange (and potentially subsidized by his fellow taxpayers)? [read post]
3 Nov 2006, 1:17 pm
Hayek, for a long period at the University of Chicago, emphasized the ability of markets to aggregate dispersed knowledge, ensuring that prices incorporate new information. [read post]
2 Jul 2015, 4:06 pm by INFORRM
It starts with the SMH articles – a front page story by state political editor, Sean Nicholls, headed Treasurer for sale: Joe Hockey offers privileged access continued on pages six and seven and a comment/analysis by the paper’s chief political correspondent Mark Kenny headed The price tag on Joe Hockey. [read post]
20 Mar 2012, 2:45 pm by Tung Yin
And the risks from Eagle Claw weren't just to the participating soldiers, or to the Carter Administration (which did pay the price), but potentially also to the hostages. . . . [read post]
20 Dec 2023, 3:15 pm by Eileen McDermott
Senator Thom Tillis sent a letter today to President Joe Biden asking him to answer three broad questions related to his proposal earlier this month that would allow government agencies considerable discretion in deciding whether and when to “march in” on patents. [read post]
10 Nov 2017, 11:10 am by Tom Kosakowski
In addition, Joe Bontke (outreach manager and Ombudsman for the Houston District office of U.S. [read post]
19 Jan 2023, 11:47 am by Eileen McDermott
The session was announced via a Federal Register Notice and request for comments on the subject, published on November 7, 2022, stemming from a joint July 2022 announcement that the two agencies plan to execute a number of initiatives aimed at lowering drug prices, as directed in July 2021 by President Joe Biden’s “Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy. [read post]
20 Dec 2023, 3:15 pm by Eileen McDermott
Senator Thom Tillis sent a letter today to President Joe Biden asking him to answer three broad questions related to his proposal earlier this month that would allow government agencies considerable discretion in deciding whether and when to “march in” on patents. [read post]
19 Jan 2023, 11:47 am by Eileen McDermott
The session was announced via a Federal Register Notice and request for comments on the subject, published on November 7, 2022, stemming from a joint July 2022 announcement that the two agencies plan to execute a number of initiatives aimed at lowering drug prices, as directed in July 2021 by President Joe Biden’s “Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy. [read post]
26 Feb 2025, 8:56 am
 How's the price of eggs these days? [read post]
14 Mar 2022, 8:48 pm by Nonprofit Blogger
Senate approval by a wide margin last week, setting up President Joe Biden to quickly sign the measure. [read post]
18 Jul 2024, 4:51 am
President Trump knew, even then, that we needed leaders who would put America first....Joe Biden screwed up, and my community paid the price. [read post]