Search for: "Maryland v. West Virginia" Results 141 - 160 of 398
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Appeal Parker appealed to the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals (which is based in Richmond and whose decisions apply to employers not only in Virginia but also in West Virginia, Maryland, and North and South Carolina). [read post]
Appeal Parker appealed to the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals (which is based in Richmond and whose decisions apply to employers not only in Virginia but also in West Virginia, Maryland, and North and South Carolina). [read post]
16 May 2019, 2:00 am by DONALD SCARINCI
Supreme Court’s Decision in Dawson v Steager The Court unanimously reversed, holding that the West Virginia statute unlawfully discriminates against Mr. [read post]
29 Apr 2019, 11:36 am by FHH Law
Radio Post-Filing Announcements – Radio stations located in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia must begin broadcasts of their post-filing announcements with regard to their license renewal applications on June 1. [read post]
26 Mar 2019, 8:38 am by FHH Law
Broadcast Deadlines: April 1, 2019:         License Renewal Pre-Filing Announcements – Radio stations located in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia must begin their pre-filing announcements with regard to their applications for renewal of license. [read post]
12 Feb 2019, 7:35 am by Steven Cohen
McDowell’s reliance on the West Virginia Geological Survey, Maryland’s equivalent survey, as well as on the mining permit issued in this case by the Bureau of Mines. [read post]
28 Jan 2019, 9:58 am by Kevin Kaufman
States which use separate (rather than combined) reporting and nevertheless seek to tax GILTI face a serious constitutional challenge, particularly under the precedent of Kraft v. [read post]
13 Dec 2018, 8:57 am by Lindsay See
Lindsay See is the solicitor general of West Virginia, which led a group of 27 other states and the governor of Kentucky in a cert-stage amicus brief in support of the petitioners in The American Legion v. [read post]
13 Dec 2018, 4:54 am by Edith Roberts
Steager “suggest that they are grappling with how broadly they should rule as they invalidate West Virginia’s tax scheme which taxes the pensions of federal retirees but exempts from income taxation the retirement payments of certain state retirees. [read post]
10 Dec 2018, 7:19 am by Robert Liles
Mobile Dentistry in Texas – An Overview of Regulatory Risk Areas to be Considered(December 7, 2018):  Each state sets their own licensure requirements, rules and regulations regarding the practice of dentistry, all of which are subject to change. [read post]
4 Dec 2018, 3:31 am by Daniel Hemel
Maryland, the court said that in general we don’t want to be micromanaging all the details of state taxation,” attorney Lawrence Rosenberg told the justices at the end of Monday’s oral argument in Dawson v. [read post]
21 Sep 2018, 10:46 am by DanSchlanger
The Third (Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania) and Fourth (Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia) Circuits had already made similar rulings. [read post]
9 Sep 2018, 2:10 pm by Howard Friedman
LEXIS 149863 (SD WV, Sept. 4, 2018), a West Virginia federal district court adopted a magistrate's recommendation (2018 U.S. [read post]