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21 Dec 2009, 3:06 am
To head off the complaint of some last year respecting AALS programming of interest to specialists in international, comparative, and transnational law -- a complaint undercut in this 11-month-old post -- it's our pleasure to offer a list of all such events on the program of the 2010, annual meeting of the Association of American Law Schools, to be held January 6-10 in New Orleans. [read post]
5 Mar 2020, 2:02 am
“Recognizing that there’s no silver bullet to addressing gender equality, to build an ecosystem of interrelated actions to advance gender balance at PMI, we wanted to shore up the fundamental foundations confirming equal pay for equal work between women and men across our organization,” says Melissa Whiting, Vice President of Inclusion and Diversity, Philip Morris International (PMI)—in an e-mail to HR Daily Advisor. [read post]
5 Mar 2020, 2:02 am
“Recognizing that there’s no silver bullet to addressing gender equality, to build an ecosystem of interrelated actions to advance gender balance at PMI, we wanted to shore up the fundamental foundations confirming equal pay for equal work between women and men across our organization,” says Melissa Whiting, Vice President of Inclusion and Diversity, Philip Morris International (PMI)—in an e-mail to HR Daily Advisor. [read post]
30 Nov 2021, 2:24 pm
ShareMore than 140 amicus briefs were filed in Dobbs v. [read post]
3 Feb 2019, 9:05 am
(June 28, 2004); Melissa Shapiro, “Is Silica the Next Asbestos? [read post]
14 Mar 2022, 3:58 am
Sourcing product from China just got even riskier. [read post]