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6 Aug 2010, 8:27 am by Jonathan H. Adler
Michael Boardley argues this licensing scheme is overbroad and therefore unconstitutional on its face. [read post]
21 Jul 2011, 2:59 am
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials have been having lately with parties outside the agency are said to be about implementing and funding the new Food Safety Modernization Act.But on June 30, when Michael R. [read post]
23 Oct 2012, 6:57 pm by News
Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren and incumbent Scott Brown are in a race for a U.S. [read post]
25 Nov 2014, 5:30 pm by Colin O'Keefe
Despite hoping to see some today, there wasn’t any Michael Brown analysis on the LexBlog Network today. [read post]
18 May 2009, 1:07 pm
As my criminal law professor Michael Tigar once said (to paraphrase):   Corporal punishment is unconstitutional because its cruel and unusual, but capital punishment is not. [read post]
15 Aug 2011, 7:45 pm by Scott
Top Posts and Articles of the Week Post of the Week James Brown Estate Mess Compromises His Final Wishes, Danielle Mayoras, Esq. [read post]
24 Jul 2009, 4:32 am
I’ll update you as information becomes available.Similar Posts: Ask the taxgirl: Michael Jackson’s Funeral Nicholas Cage’s Deduction Claims: Gone in Sixty Seconds Foxy Brown Faces Tax Liens Girls Gone Wild Founder Files Civil Suit Anybody Have White-Out? [read post]
10 May 2011, 8:47 am by Buce
  In Canada, Michael Ignatieff resigned over what was perhaps a worthy issue--government secrecy. [read post]
17 Dec 2014, 1:05 pm by Law Offices of David L. Freidberg, P.C.
In the wake of the police killings of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Eric Garner in New York and Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, a Chicago police officer is set to stand trial in January on charges of involuntary manslaughter and other felonies in the 2012 off-duty shooting death of an unarmed black woman. [read post]
23 Apr 2009, 5:54 am
Sherrod Brown: Although Brown backs the legislation in its current form, he says it won't get enough votes for passage in the Senate now that former backers including Pennsylvania Republican Sen. [read post]
25 Sep 2015, 9:30 am by azatty
After that post, I heard from Nedra Brown, a former State Bar of Arizona colleague. [read post]