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Chapter 3 on Regulatory Takings contains a particularly good summary of the current state of doctrine, and a concise chronological overview of the critical cases, beginning with the foundation cases in the early 20th century (Hadacheck, Mahon, Euclid) and continuing to the present.This is one that will continue to have a place on my back bookshelf, along with other such must-haves as Steven Eagle's Regulatory Takings, the latest "green book" (Patricia Salkin's… [read post]
2 May 2012, 12:51 pm by Robert Thomas (
HST), I'll be presenting "Municipal Law: Navigating Local Government Recusal Laws, Conflicts of Interest and Government Immunity" on-line, along with my colleagues Michael Donaldson, Michael Kamprath, and Professor Patricia Salkin. [read post]
26 Jan 2012, 2:42 pm by Jackie L. Gross
The CAPS blog also wants to give a "CAP" tip to Annual Meeting Co-Chairs Catherine Christian and Anne Murphy, a special thanks to Albany Law School's Professor Patricia Salkin for suggesting and then moderating the day's program, and a big thank you to Awards Committee Co-Chairs Theresa L. [read post]
15 Aug 2011, 11:53 am by Robert Thomas (
The faculty, as usual, is stellar, and includes colleagues Michael Berger,  Amy Brigham Boulris, Bob Foster, Patricia Salkin, Julie Tappendorf, and Gideon Kanner. [read post]
8 Jun 2009, 12:05 am
From SSRN:Jeff Redding, Proposition 8 and the Future of American Same-Sex Marriage Activism, (Nexus, Vol. 14, p. 113, 2009).Anne Twomey, The Australian Crowns - Changing the Rules of Succession, (Quadrant, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 44-47, 2009).Barry McDonald, Getting Beyond Religion as Science: 'Unstifling' Worldview Formation in American Public Education, (Washington and Lee Law Review, Vol. 66, 2009).Amy Lavine & Patricia Salkin, God and the Land: A Holy War Between… [read post]
14 Sep 2013, 7:20 pm by Patricia Salkin
  I also invite you to send a friend request to me at Dean Patricia Salkin, to follow me on Twitter @DeanSalkin, or invite me(Patricia Salkin) to connect on Linkedin. [read post]
18 Oct 2007, 3:00 am
  Dean Patricia Salkin analyzes the opinion in detail here. [read post]
10 Oct 2007, 12:54 pm
  Dean Patricia Salkin analyzes the opinion in detail here. [read post]
9 Apr 2015, 3:17 am by Patricia Salkin
., April 16, 2015 6 CLE credits (Professional Practice) 7.25 AICP-CM credits (including 1.75 law credits*; certification pending) Find more information and register online at 9:00 Welcome—Dean Patricia Salkin 9:10 Assessing the Risks to the Region: Climatology & Long Island—Daniel Bader (Research Analyst at Columbia University’s Center for Climate Systems Research) 10:00 Morning Keynote—Kate Dineen (Managing Director, NY… [read post]